REMU Screening Bucket Is a Tool for Nurseries


Mark Collins, owner of the Evergreen nurseries in San Diego, California, has always thought of how to add more value for his customers. This means that his plants are propagated and grown on site. The selection of plants is wide and shopping in his nurseries is fast.  Evergreen nurseries also recycle pots and green waste to keep business ecological.

One of the latest reforms in Evergreen nurseries is adding the REMU screening bucket to the process of preparing amended topsoil. With the REMU bucket, composted green waste is mixed with sand and other ingredients. Simultaneously all the lumps still left in compost and all the stones from the sand are separated.

Hunter Hayward, manager of the Spring Valley location of Evergreen nurseries, is very pleased with the way his REMU WL 160 screening bucket has help their daily work. "We have used the REMU bucket three months now and it has been very useful tool. Before using the REMU we just mixed the sand and compost with a traditional bulldozer and regular bucket but the quality of material was not too good. Now, with screening bucket we were able to do the job much quicker. In addition to that, the end product has been improved tremendously."

"This September, after using the REMU bucket for months, we had to go back to the old fashioned way of mixing material scoop by scoop. Our regular tractor to which the screening bucket was attached, was out of order for a couple of weeks, Everyone noticed the difference in material right away and started to ask what happened to quality of material. We just do not want to go back the old way again!" Mr. Hayward said. "When my distributor, Ed Roczey, heard of our situation, he volunteered to bring his own REMU to my yard. In a little less than an hour in a REMU less than half the size of mine he made enough topsoil to last me for days! Thank you Ed, and thanks to REMU!"

Source: REMU USA Inc.

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