Nouvelles brèves
Le Service ADVISOR Remote de John Deere se mérite la seconde place à l’InformationWeek 500 Exclusif à John Deere, le Service ADVISOR Remote permet à un concessionnaire de se connecter à distance à une machine John Deere, de lire ses codes d’anomalies diagnostiques et d’enregistrer ses données de performances. Le système permet de réduire considérablement le temps et les coûts associés aux réparations d’équipement : «Nous avons développé Service ADVISOR à distance pour aider les entrepreneurs à garder leur équipement en bon état et éviter les réparations coûteuses», soutient Tom Trone, directeur de WorkSight Solutions, Construction & Foresterie John Deere. Service ADVISOR fait partie du système exclusif John Deere WorkSight, une suite intégrée de solutions technologiques pour l’optimisation commerciale. En plus de Service ADVISOR à distance, il regroupe le système de contrôle machine JDLinkMC, le programme de santé machine proactive Fleet Care ainsi que le contrôle de nivellement et la pesée de charge. Seul fabricant d’équipement lourd parmi les 100 premières positions à InformationWeek, John Deere démontre, grâce à sa deuxième position, son engagement à trouver des façons novatrices pour aider ses clients à maintenir leur productivité.
L’aluminium trouve sa place dans l’ensemble des infrastructures routières Le docteur et ingénieur Scott Walbridge, du département de l’ingénierie civile et environnementale à l’Université de Waterloo (Ontario) ainsi qu’Alexandre de la Chevrotière, président de MAADI Group, une firme québécoise indépendante d’ingénierie spécialisée dans la conception de projets de transformation d’aluminium, ont passé en revue les forces et faiblesses du métal dans un document d’une vingtaine de pages. «Les avantages des alliages d’aluminium sont leur faible poids propre, leur haute résistance à la corrosion et leur extradurabilité, sans compter leur esthétique», commentent-ils. «Les meilleurs domaines d’application de l’aluminium sont ceux qui peuvent exploiter ces avantages de façon optimale.» Messieurs Walbridge et de la Chevrotière font remarquer que ces caractéristiques ont déjà contribué à une percée de l’aluminium dans la réalisation de travaux sur des ponts existants, notamment pour le remplacement de tabliers ou leur élargissement ou, encore, pour des éléments structuraux secondaires comme l’ajout d’un passage piétonnier ou d’une piste cyclable, des lampadaires, des structures supportant les panneaux de signalisation et les dispositifs de retenue. «L’aluminium est utilisé depuis 80 ans dans la construction de ponts routiers», rappelle Jean Simard, le président - directeur général de l’AAC. «C’est à Pittsburgh, en 1933, qu’on a songé la première fois à l’aluminium pour remplacer un tablier de pont. C’est toutefois au Québec, à Saguenay, que se retrouve le plus long pont en aluminium au monde – le pont Arvida – érigé en 1950. Malgré les qualités démontrées depuis par le matériau, l’aluminium demeure encore fortement sous-utilisé dans les grands projets d’infrastructures de ponts routiers et de viaducs. Dans leur étude, les deux ingénieurs ont constaté que les applications les plus fréquentes de l’aluminium portent sur le remplacement de tabliers existants, la construction de passerelles piétonnes, de ponts levants et à bascule, de ponts flottants et de ponts temporaires. Ils signalent que plusieurs projets ont prouvé la faisabilité de construire un pont routier tout aluminium. Ils pointent quelques faiblesses ou désavantages du matériau, notamment son faible module d’élasticité, sa résistance moindre à la fatigue que l’acier traditionnel et son coût initial élevé. Messieurs Walbridge et de la Chevrotière notent néanmoins que ces inconvénients peuvent être largement compensés, notamment au niveau de la conception, du recours à différentes techniques de soudage et par un choix du matériau selon une analyse des coûts portant sur l’ensemble de la durée de vie de l’ouvrage.
Projet North LRT : on perce le mur de la station Churchill Même si la construction du North LRT est très visible dans les rues d’Edmonton, l’étape la plus importante du projet à ce jour a été réalisée sous terre. Depuis janvier 2012, une équipe très dévouée a travaillé sans relâche, 24 heures sur 24, à l’aménagement de tunnels jumeaux entre la 105 Avenue et la station Churchill. Le nouveau train léger desservira cette station au moment de sa mise en service, en 2014. En plus de l’achèvement des travaux d’aménagement du tunnel du North LRT, les travaux réalisés cette année comprenaient la construction des voies en surface et les travaux d’excavation des stations du train léger Grant MacEwan, Kingsway/Royal Alex et NAIT. La construction des stations se poursuivra cet hiver. Ce projet de 755 millions $ a été financé par le gouvernement du Canada, le gouvernement de l’Alberta et la Ville d’Edmonton. Le gouvernement du Canada y consacrera jusqu’à 100 million $, qui proviendront du Fonds Chantiers Canada. Le gouvernement de l’Alberta y consacre pour sa part 497 millions $ dans le cadre du programme GreenTRIP, et la Ville d’Edmonton, 158 millions $. La Ville d’Edmonton tient à remercier tout particulièrement les conducteurs, les piétons, les gens d’affaires et les résidents de la patience dont ils ont fait preuve durant cette saison de construction achalandée.
Bird Construction fera l’acquisition de Nason Contracting Group L’acquisition serait financée en majeure partie à même le fond de roulement ainsi qu’avec l’émission d’actions de Bird. L’émission des actions est sujette à l’approbation de la bourse de Toronto (TSE). La date prévue pour la clôture de la transaction est le 15 janvier 2013, à condition que toutes les conditions usuelles soient remplies. Nason est reconnue comme un chef de file dans la construction d’usine de traitement d’eau potable et usée dans l’Ouest canadien. La feuille de route de la firme de St. Albert, en Alberta, présente une multitude de projets réussis sur une période de quelque 40 ans. Les activités de Nason et de Bird sont complémentaires. L’expertise de Nason se situe principalement dans les aspects mécanique, électrique et l’appareillage des projets d’eau potable et usée alors que celle de Bird se situe dans la construction générale ainsi que dans les portions civiles et souterraines de tels projets. L’expertise de Bird permettra à Nason d’accroître ses opérations. De plus, l’expertise de Bird dans les projets conception-construction offrira encore plus d’opportunités de croissance pour Nason, en particulier en rapports à la méthode partenariat-public-privé (PPP) – un secteur en pleine croissance dans le domaine de l’eau.
Poclain Hydraulics reprend FAM Automobiles et TORK Engineering Au travers de cette acquisition, le groupe Poclain Hydraulics se dote ainsi de compétences essentielles pour intégrer, homologuer et vendre ces dispositifs destinés à offrir une plus grande mobilité aux camions et aux véhicules utilitaires légers dans des conditions de circulation difficiles (boue, neige), et des transmissions hybrides mécanique-hydraulique permettant une réduction des consommations de carburant et présentant un bilan environnemental favorable. Une des premières actions de Poclain Hydraulics consistera à commercialiser dès ledébut de 2013 son système hydraulique permettant d’offrir une fonction de transmission 4x4 à la demande sur véhicules utilitaires légers à traction avant. Ce système, baptisé «AddiDrive™ Assist» permet d’améliorer considérablement la mobilité, tout en préservant la capacité de chargement, la consommation de carburant, et en offrant la possibilité de conserver la hauteur de châssis originelle. Christophe de Montessus est nommé directeur général de Poclain Véhicules. Il occupait précédemment le poste de responsable du support à la vente pour le groupe Poclain Hydraulics. L’ensemble des effectifs des deux entreprises, soit 60 salariés au total, sera conservé.
Les plus grandes ventes aux enchères jamais réalisées au Québec et en Saskatchewan «Nos ventes tenues à Montréal et Saskatoon cette semaine ont mis en valeur la puissance d’attraction d’un vaste public d’enchérisseurs du monde entier», a déclaré Jesse Cantin, directeur régional des ventes, Encans Ritchie Bros. «Des enchérisseurs de plus de 35 pays sont venus pour enchérir sur une large sélection de modèles récents d’articles et camions présentés lors des deux ventes, ce qui nous a permis d’atteindre une véritable valeur de marché mondial le jour de la vente. Ceci a permis à notre compagnie de battre de nouveaux records au Québec et en Saskatchewan. En particulier, la vente de Montréal a présenté l’une des plus belles sélections de matériel de construction jamais vues au Canada, avec près de 80 modèles récents d’excavatrices hydrauliques, 30 modèles récents de tracteurs sur chenilles, et bien plus encore.»
Gaz Métro en lice pour une certification LEED à son bureau de Rouyn-Noranda «Cette annonce, jumelée à l’ensemble des engagements de Gaz Métro diffusés récemment dans notre Feuille de route en développement durable, confirme notre volonté d’être à l’avant-garde en matière de développement durable. Cette certification montre également que le gaz naturel, principale source d’énergie utilisée dans nos installations, est un allié important d’un point de vue économique et environnemental pour l’atteinte d’un objectif de construction durable au Québec», a tenu à souligner Patrick Cabana, vice-président, Approvisionnements et réglementation chez Gaz Métro. Présente dans la région de Rouyn-Noranda depuis 47 ans, Gaz Métro a su miser sur des ressources et des partenariats locaux pour la réalisation de ce projet, en priorisant notamment l’utilisation de bois certifié FSC comme principal matériau de construction. La nouvelle construction, d’une superficie de plus de 620 m2 comporte trois sections : un bureau, un entrepôt et un abri destiné aux camions de service. Gaz Métro a choisi d’être propriétaire de cette nouvelle place d’affaires pour consolider sa présence durable dans la région.
Industry News
Takeuchi Announces AgCon Equipment as New Dealer in Manitoba Founded in 2011 by owner Troy Ash, AgCon Equipment specializes in the sales, rental and service of construction and agricultural equipment to their customer network in Southern Manitoba. “We know it’s a big deal when it comes to purchasing equipment. That’s why we keep it simple and sell only the best agriculture and heavy construction equipment available on the market to our clients,” says Mr. Ash. “Our sales staff has a comprehensive knowledge of the products we sell — and even the products we don’t sell – because you have to know the market to know what the best is! We believe that by selling the best, our customers will reap the greatest benefits in terms of production and yields.” Takeuchi is an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer of an extensive line of compact track loaders, compact excavators and compact wheel loaders. Founded in 1963, Takeuchi was the first company to introduce the compact excavator to North America, setting the stage for one of the highest growth product segments ever introduced in the compact equipment market. The compact excavator has become a main line product for both rental and construction/utility companies. Takeuchi continued to lead the compact construction industry with the introduction of the first compact track loader to North America.
American Tire Distributors, Inc. Expands Its Presence into Canada TriCan is the leading national tire distributor in Canada with 15 distribution centers stretching across the country. Similar to ATD, TriCan focuses on delivering outstanding customer service and this approach has led to TriCan’s significant growth since its founding in 1978. American Tire Distributors will operate TriCan as a stand-alone business unit. TriCan will retain its company name and its management team, led by Chris Fletcher who has been president of TriCan since October 2006.
John Deere Service ADVISOR Remote System Ranks Second on 2012 InformationWeek 500 An exclusive to John Deere, Service ADVISOR Remote enables a John Deere dealer to connect remotely to a Deere machine to read diagnostic trouble codes and record machine performance data. The system significantly reduces the time and cost associated with equipment repairs. "We developed Service ADVISOR Remote to help contractors keep their equipment running smoothly and avoid costly repairs," said Tom Trone, director of WorkSight Solutions, John Deere Construction & Forestry. "As the only heavy equipment manufacturer represented in the InformationWeek Top 100, this shows John Deere's commitment to finding innovative ways to help our customers stay productive." Service ADVISOR Remote is part of John Deere's exclusive WorkSight system, an integrated suite of technology solutions for business optimization. In addition to Service ADVISOR Remote, it consists of four technologies: JDLink™ machine monitoring system, Fleet Care proactive machine health program, grade control, and payload weighing. John Deere WorkSight is a market leading offering with two industry exclusives.
Aluminium Has a Place in All Road Infrastructure Dr. Scott Walbridge, P.Eng., of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, and Alexandre de la Chevrotière, President of MAADI Group, an independent Quebec-based engineering firm specializing in aluminium design and fabrication, reviewed the metal's strengths and weaknesses in their twenty-page report. "Aluminium alloys have many advantages including low self-weight, high corrosion resistance and extreme durability, not to mention their aesthetic qualities," they write. "The most successful aluminium applications optimize these advantages." According to Walbridge and de la Chevrotière, these characteristics have already helped aluminium make a breakthrough in work on existing bridges, particularly deck replacement and widening projects and in secondary structures such as pedestrian and bike path additions, street light structures, road sign structures and restraint systems. "Aluminium has been used in the construction of road bridges for 80 years," said Jean Simard, President and CEO of the AAC. "It was first considered for a bridge deck replacement project in Pittsburgh in 1933. But the world's longest aluminium bridge - the Arvida Bridge - was built in Saguenay, Quebec - in 1950. Since then, despite its clearly demonstrated qualities, aluminium has remained highly under-used in major bridge and overpass infrastructure projects. "That is why we are encouraging architects, engineers and governments to more seriously consider aluminium for the major infrastructure renewal projects planned for Quebec over the coming decade. They should also take into consideration the savings in structure maintenance unlocked by using aluminium." In their study, the two engineers noted the most common applications of aluminium are in bridge deck replacement projects and in the construction of pedestrian overpasses, lift and bascule bridges, floating bridges and temporary bridges. They also say that many projects have proved the feasibility of building road bridges entirely of aluminium. The authors point out a number of the material's weaknesses and disadvantages, such as its low elastic modulus, lower fatigue strength compared to traditional steel and high initial cost. However, Walbridge and de la Chevrotière say that these drawbacks can generally be compensated for in the design, by using different welding techniques and by selecting materials based on whole-life cost analysis.
North LRT Breaks Through to Churchill Station While North LRT construction is highly visible on Edmonton streets, the project's most significant milestone to date was achieved below ground. A very dedicated crew has been working around the clock since January 2012, digging twin tunnels between 105 Avenue and Churchill Station through which LRT will start running in 2014. "The Government of Canada is proud to have invested in this important job-creating project to expand Edmonton's Light Rail Transit system," said the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Minister for Status of Women, and Member of Parliament for Edmonton-Spruce Grove. "We will continue to support local infrastructure priorities that promote growth, job creation and economic prosperity right here in Edmonton." "I congratulate the City for making excellent progress on this project," said Alberta Transportation Minister Ric McIver. "The Alberta government was pleased to invest $497 million in GreenTRIP funding to help Edmontonians get to where they need to be. GreenTRIP is a great example of how the province partners with municipalities to develop effective and practical infrastructure solutions for Albertans." "This is a great day for Edmonton," said Mayor Stephen Mandel. "As part of the City's Transportation Master Plan, The Way We Move, the new North LRT will play a key role in developing a cleaner, greener Edmonton and providing affordable, sustainable transportation for thousands of students, workers, and commuters. Today we are one big step closer to that goal." In addition to the completion of the North LRT tunnel, this year's work included construction of all surface track for the North LRT and foundation work for the Grant MacEwan, Kingsway/Royal Alex and NAIT LRT stations. Development of the stations will continue over the winter months. The $755-million project was jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta and the City of Edmonton. The Government of Canada is contributing up to $100 million from the Building Canada Fund. The Province of Alberta is contributing $497 million in GreenTRIP funding and the City of Edmonton is contributing $158 million. The City of Edmonton would especially like to thank motorists, pedestrians, businesses and residents for their patience during this busy construction season.
Bird Construction to Acquire Nason Contracting Group The $12.8 million purchase price and related transaction expenses of $0.5 million will be funded with approximately $8.3 million of existing working capital and $5.0 million of shares of Bird Construction Inc. to be issued from treasury. The issuance of the shares of Bird is subject to the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange. Bird has sufficient working capital to satisfy the purchase price detailed above. The acquisition is expected to be completed on or about January 15, 2013, subject to the satisfaction of all usual and customary conditions to closing. Nason is a recognized leader in the construction of water and wastewater facilities in western Canada. Nason's revenue for their previous four full fiscal years averaged $37.0 million. The company has a 40-year track record of successful construction projects throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and the Yukon and Northwest Territories. The company's head office, shops and yard are located in St. Albert, Alberta. Nason performs the majority of its work with its own forces and has particular strength in the execution of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation work. The company has a highly-skilled staff of over 65 professional and craft employees. Nason's management team members have agreed to remain as employees and to assist Bird in the management of Nason's ongoing operations. Nason's and Bird's businesses are complementary. Nason's primary expertise is in the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation aspects of water and wastewater projects whereas Bird's expertise lies in the general contracting of such projects and in the self performance of the civil and underground portions of the projects. Bird's general contracting and civil construction expertise will allow Nason to expand their operations. As well, Bird's expertise in design-build projects will provide further growth opportunities for Nason, particularly as it relates to the public-private-partnership delivery method which is a growth area in the water and wastewater market. Further, Nason's business is focused on the public market. Bird's contacts and expertise in the industrial market will open up new opportunities for both companies. Nason has extensive experience working on remote job sites which will be a particular advantage servicing the resource market. "Bird and Nason are a great fit. Nason's expertise is in mechanical, electrical and instrumentation work while Bird is a leader in general contracting and civil work. Combining this expertise, we will be able to execute more complex work as well as assignments for industrial clients where our expertise is well suited to the demands of their projects" said Darrell Stang, president of Nason Contracting Group Ltd. "Joining with Bird will not only expand our opportunities as a company, but it will provide tremendous opportunities for our employees to grow and take on new and challenging assignments within the Bird organization." "Bird has been considering a range of ways to further expand its sources of revenue through different market segments to continue with the growth strategy of the organization" commented Tim Talbott, president & CEO of Bird. "We are particularly excited about our first opportunity to participate directly in the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation markets which we believe will complement our existing service offerings. With both firms committed to pursuing exciting new opportunities for the organization, we are confident that a solid relationship will ensue with the management and employees of Nason."
EllisDon Awarded Its First Managed Services Contract The PwC Tower is considered one of Canada’s most advanced IP networked commercial buildings, as it is one of the first commercial towers in North America to feature a unified base building network. This means that all base building systems, including security, power metering and lighting, are using the unified IP Network. EllisDon’s Managed Services group was engaged to provide comprehensive maintenance and monitoring of this network, in order to ensure the seamless operation of the building. The group will provide 24/7 monitoring and support of the network, that includes a single point of accountability for customer requests and incident management. The Managed Services group was created in January of 2012 as a complement to the company’s Information & Communication Technology and Facilities Management groups. Through their engagement, the Managed Services team provides ongoing system and technology support to property managers and building owners with the objective of leveraging the advanced technological solutions that are being deployed within the building. Robert Barnes, EllisDon’s director of Managed Services, talks about the importance of this win for the company: “This is a huge win for EllisDon and the Managed Services team,” says Mr. Barnes. “We are not just handing the keys over and walking away once core construction is complete, but rather, we are systematically implementing a strategy from the start of occupancy to ensure seamless operation of a building throughout its lifecycle.”
Arup’s Toronto Office Expands Senior Leadership Team With the founding of a multidisciplinary building engineering practice in October 2011 and the continued development of its existing infrastructure, aviation and transport practices, the Toronto office has grown 25% over the past 12 months. Due in part to recent project wins such as the 2015 Pan Am Games stadia and velodrome and the Champlain Bridge (Montreal) business case, further expansion is expected in 2013. Richard Terry, the new leader of the office’s building engineering practice, joins from the London office (taking over the role from John Bachelor, who has transferred to Copenhagen). An Arup principal and structural engineer with over three decades of international experience, he has successfully led the engineering design of prominent large-scale projects including the refurbishment of London’s Embankment Place and the redevelopment of Zurich’s airport. He formerly served as a director of the London office and was a member of the board for the firm’s UK region (which also encompasses the Middle East and Africa). Darryl Doucet has also joined the Toronto team as business leader for the building engineering practice. A mechanical engineer with over two decades of technical and managerial experience in the Canadian market, his role is to focus on client service and engagement, as well as broaden awareness of Arup’s integrated multidisciplinary services. Arup has also brought Catherine Belanger to the office as an associate principal. She is a mechanical engineer with a background in project management and mechanical building services design, including specialized experience in healthcare design. In her current role she manages the delivery of large and complex projects, beginning with the Pan Am 2015 stadia and velodrome venues. In addition, Toronto structural engineer Hassan Ally has been promoted to associate principal. The leader of the office’s structural group, he has been heavily involved in the design and management of ambitious projects around the world. He is heading the design team for the 2015 Pan Am Games venues, and is lead structural engineer for design of the York University and Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Subway stations on Toronto’s Yonge-Spadina Line extension.
JOST Acquires Edbro Since its foundation in 1916, Edbro has been engaged in the development of hydraulic lifting equipment and is the market leader in hydraulic systems for commercial vehicles today. This product leadership will be further strengthened by the integration into JOST. Edbro is the leading company in the field of vehicle-mounted hydraulic systems. The product portfolio includes front-end, underbody, tipping and trailer-thrust cylinders, as well as customized hydraulic kit solutions.
Job Opportunities Grow for Engineering Technology Professionals When the new 2012 OACETT Salary Survey asked employers if they planned to increase the number of engineering technicians or technologists in their organizations within the next 12 months, 47% said Yes, up from 41% in OACETT’s previous survey in 2010. Organization size was not a factor in the decision - small firms were just as likely as larger ones to plan on adding engineering technology staff over the next year. Yet acquiring the right talent remains a challenge. Compared to 2010, when 54% of employers said they were finding it difficult to attract qualified candidates, this year 65% said they were having the same trouble. That level almost matches the 68% figure of the pre-recession economy of 2007. The survey also canvassed employers for their views on professional development (PD). Almost a third (31%) encourages their employees who are members of professional associations to volunteer their time as part of their PD commitment, up substantially from 20% in 2010. Of the types of PD coursework pursued by engineering technology professionals, industry-related activities were cited most frequently (78%), followed by discipline-related (66%). However, a growing number of employers (41%, up from 36% in the previous survey) encourage non-technical PD activities such as effective communication, negotiation skills and sales training. This important finding offers fresh evidence that communication skills are vital to successful performance in engineering technology. In a companion survey with the Association’s individual members, as another reflection of the changing nature of the engineering technology workforce, more than half of respondents said flextime was available at their place of employment, and more than a third are allowed to work from home, at least part of the time. Female technology professionals were the most likely to value, and take advantage, of this new flexible working environment in the technology sector. OACETT is a non-profit, self-governing, professional association of more than 24,000 members and a 55-year history of certification in Ontario. OACETT promotes the interests of engineering and applied science technicians and technologists in industry, educational institutions, the public and government.
Ritchie Bros. Announces Plans to Hold its First China Auction in 2013 Ritchie Bros. has formally leased land in the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone (Shunyi, Beijing) in preparation for this first unreserved public auction in China. Strategically located within minutes of Beijing Capital International Airport, the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone is connected to one of China’s largest roll-on, roll-off ports in Tianjin.
Xylem Wins Contract for Advanced Oxidation Process Technology to Treat Drinking Water in South Korea The water treatment facility will process about 100 million l/d, and will be the first step in the development of the new $3 billion Sihwa Multi-Tech Valley project, a government-backed regional industrial development initiative being implemented by the K-Water municipality. The new hub for the enterprise is due to be completed by 2016, and aims to attract high-tech industries across the IT, chemicals and R&D sectors. Xylem’s WEDECO® UV K-reactors and WEDECO Advanced Oxidation Process technology will be used in the existing plant, Siheung wastewater treatment plant, which will become the first UV AOP application for a municipal drinking water system in South Korea. Xylem’s solution incorporates oxidation and UV disinfection to remove micro-pollutants, resulting in high-quality drinking water.
ElectraNet Chooses Bentley Substation With its more than 5,600 circuit km of transmission line and 87 substations and switchyards, ElectraNet’s transmission network delivers efficient and reliable high-voltage electricity from power generators to South Australia’s electricity distributor and large industrial users. Switching from manual CAD design to intelligent substation design enables ElectraNet to significantly reduce detailed design time and create more accurate project estimates from precise bills of material. Hamish McCarter, ElectraNet’s senior manager Engineering Services, said, “With Bentley Substation our current design resources, both internal and external, will be better able to accommodate a growing workload. In addition, the added structure and reporting will ensure our design partners are better equipped to adhere to our standards, which will provide long-term benefits in the form of reduced maintenance challenges.”
The Toro Company Awarded Contract from City of Tucson The City of Tucson conducted a thorough solicitation process in the nationwide search for a supplier. This agreement is available to public agencies and non-profit entities nationwide via the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (National IPA) cooperative purchasing program. National IPA is a cooperative purchasing organization established through a collaborative effort of public agencies across the United States with the specific purpose of reducing procurement costs by leveraging group volume. All master agreements offered through National IPA are publicly solicited, awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process, and held by a public agency. National IPA serves as the nationwide channel to offer the awarded agreements to public and non-profit agencies. This cooperative purchasing strategy offers lower costs, plus time and resource savings, to participating agencies.
Volvo Donates $100,000 to Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts “With several major facilities and thousands of employees in regions affected by the storm, we’re keenly aware of the lingering effects of this disaster,” said Dennis Slagle, Volvo Group executive vice president for Trucks Sales & Marketing Americas. “While the headlines are tapering off, the hard work of recovery is very much ongoing, and we want to do our part.” The Volvo Group is donating $50,000 to the American Red Cross, $25,000 to the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City and $25,000 to the City of Allentown. The New York City donation will help meet immediate needs for food, water and supplies and support long-term relief and restoration projects. Allentown will use the donation to replace the severely damaged roof of the Mack South Fire Station.
Allied Steel Buildings Launches
a Disaster Recovery Program The response to Sandy has been overwhelming. Many residents affected along the northeastern coast have been supplied with food, shelter and basic necessities. Volunteers have donated time and funds to help victims find relief. Local organizations and neighbors have helped each other and have gone above and beyond in this difficult time. None of the Allied Steel Buildings customers in the New York and New Jersey area reported damage after assessment. This disastrous event prompted Allied to launch a new Disaster Recovery program which is extended to businesses and community organizations affected by natural disasters that are in need of prefabricated steel buildings. What makes this program feasible is the capabilities of Allied’s engineering and project management departments. Together they design and engineer each building, so its delivered prefabricated and ready to construct. Building with steel is far different than other building materials and offers added benefits. With a pre-fabricated steel structure, the materials are delivered on site ready to assemble, thus making it a more viable and timely solution than conventional construction methods.
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