Nouvelles brèves


Le groupe Fayat rachète Dynapac
Fayat a signé un accord pour acheter la division matériels routiers d’Atlas Copco, qui fabrique des compacteurs pour les applications d’asphalte et de sol, des finisseurs et des raboteuses. Ces produits sont connus sous la marque Dynapac. Le groupe français qui possède une expertise approfondie sur ce marché à travers plusieurs sociétés (Bomag, Marini, Marini-Ermont et SAE, Secmair et Breining) souhaite ainsi renforcer sa position stratégique sur le marché du matériel de construction et de maintenance routière.

Le rachat comprend les opérations de vente et de service dans 37 pays et les unités de production dans 5 pays : la Suède, l’Allemagne, le Brésil, l’Inde et la Chine. L’entreprise compte 1265 salariés et un chiffre d’affaires d’environ 309 millions € (430 millions $) en 2016. L’acquisition devrait être finalisée au second trimestre de 2017.

«Nous sommes très heureux et fiers d’accueillir Dynapac, une marque très reconnue, dans notre groupe!», disait Jean-Claude Fayat, président du groupe Fayat. «Nous continuerons à tirer parti des forces de nos organisations existantes et de Dynapac en parallèle : tous les clients continueront à être servis avec leurs produits. Dynapac a toute sa place stratégique dans notre groupe et nous voulons assurer son développement et son offre produits. Nous mettrons à profit son expertise et ses technologies, en complément à notre gamme existante, afin de développer en permanence des équipements qui répondent étroitement aux besoins de nos clients.»

Créé par Clément Fayat en 1957, le groupe Fayat est présent dans 120 pays à travers ses 152 sociétés, et compte 19 000 collaborateurs. Fayat accompagne ses clients avec des solutions innovantes et durables, pour le marché de la construction et dans les 7 grands métiers autour desquels il s’est construit : travaux publics, fondations, bâtiment, énergie & services, construction métallique et mécanique, chaudronnerie et matériel routier.

Source: Fayat


Nouvelle direction à la barre d’Alutrec
Alutrec, dont le siège social est situé à Laurier-Station au Québec, annonce des changements à son actionnariat. Dans une perspective de continuité des activités et dans le but de mieux répondre aux défis qui jalonnent son industrie, les actionnaires minoritaires ont procédé à l’acquisition de la majorité des actions de l’entreprise. Celle-ci pourra compter sur l’équipe d’expérience en place qui demeure active afin de conserver la même tradition d’excellence de ses produits qui a façonné sa réputation.

Déjà actif au sein de l’entreprise depuis quelques années et bien informé des développements de la compagnie depuis sa fondation, Michel Parent reprendra le flambeau de son neveu à titre de nouveau président et chef de la direction de la société. Daniel Frenette assumera pour sa part la direction générale.

«L’entreprise pourra compter sur un leadership renouvelé et une nouvelle impulsion pour ancrer sa présence dans le marché et maintenir son élan de croissance. Dans ce nouveau chapitre qui s’ouvre maintenant, nous continuerons de miser sur l’innovation et mettrons un accent particulier sur le Service à la clientèle. Nous le ferons avec la complicité de nos talentueux employés, les premiers artisans de notre succès», a commenté Michel Parent.

Alutrec est associée à l’excellence dans la conception et la fabrication de semi-remorques d’aluminium depuis 1995. En plus de sa gamme étendue de produits qui parcourrent les routes de l’Amérique du Nord, Alutrec a mis au point la semi-remorque CAPACITY, de loin la plus légère, la plus écoénergétique et la plus rentable de toute l’industrie. Renommée dans le marché pour son innovation et sa recherche, l’entreprise entend demeurer le chef de file et intensifier sa présence au cours des prochaines années. Bon an mal an, l’entreprise, qui emploie une cinquantaine d’employés, produit 200 unités à son usine de Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière, au Québec. La croissance de l’entreprise a nécessité un déménagement en décembre dernier dans un bâtiment de 21 200 m2 situé à Laurier-Station, en bordure de l’autoroute 20.

Source: Alutrec


L’équipe de Manuquip rend hommage à son fondateur, Gilles Paquet, pour son départ à la retraite
Gilles Paquet, actif dans l’industrie depuis les années 70 et fondateur de Les Équipements Manuquip en 1992 à Québec s’est particulièrement fait connaître en tant que pionnier de la vente de marteaux hydrauliques au Québec. En 1998, après 6 années de croissance rapide, il ouvre une 2e succursale Manuquip dans la région de Montréal, mais c’est surtout en 2002 avec la distribution des équipements KPI-JCI (Kolberg-Pioneer Inc. et Johnson-Crushers-International), référence pour les équipements de concassage et de tamisage en Amérique du Nord, que Manuquip devient un acteur important dans le monde des agrégats.

Reconnu et récompensé pour ses performances, Gilles Paquet peut être fier aujourd’hui de la bonne santé de Manuquip, compagnie qu’il a su faire évoluer au fil des ans grâce à une gestion lucide. Il transmet le flambeau à son fils Guillaume Paquet et à Richard Paquette, ses fidèles collaborateurs depuis 2005 et 2011 respectivement. Monsieur Paquet a officiellement pris sa retraite ce 31 décembre 2016.

Connaissant Gilles, celui-ci n’en demeurera pas moins actif. Nous lui souhaitons donc beaucoup de succès et de plaisir dans ses projets futurs.

Source: Les Équipements Manuquip inc.


La fin d’un chapitre, le début d’un nouveau
C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que Guy Therrien a fait l’annonce le 15 décembre dernier de la vente de l’entreprise Cisolift.

«Après plus de 12 années dans le domaine de l’élévation, mon associé Stéphane Plante et moi avions le goût d’explorer de nouveaux horizons» disait monsieur Therrien. «J’ai adoré mes années chez Cisolift et je tiens à remercier chacun de ceux qui ont contribué au succès de notre organisation.»

Les nouveaux propriétaires sont Pascal Leclerc, président, à l’emploi de Cisolift comme directeur des ventes depuis septembre 2014, et Karine Toutant, vice-présidente. C’est avec fébrilité qu’ils affrontent ce nouveau défi.

«Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir fait l’acquisition d’une entreprise de cette envergure», déclarait Pascal Leclerc. «Notre but est de propulser Cisolift vers d’autres sommets, tout en conservant les standards élevés qui ont fait sa renommée : la qualité des produits et du service, la sécurité et la variété des équipements offerts, afin de répondre à vos besoins spécifiques.»

Le personnel demeure en poste. Il continuera de vous offrir l’excellence et la rapidité du service qui a fait sa force depuis les débuts. De nouveaux produits s’ajouteront au catalogue afin de toujours mieux servir la clientèle.

Source: Cisolift Distribution inc.


Lancement de deux programmes en Génie de la construction
Deux nouvelles formations en génie de la construction viennent s’ajouter à la carte de programmes offerts par l’École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), soit le programme court de 2e cycle en modélisation des données du bâtiment (BIM) et la formation Surintendants de chantier en construction de bâtiments.

Mis sur pied à la suite d’études et de nombreuses rencontres avec les intervenants du secteur, le programme court en BIM s’appuie sur des principes qui viennent sans aucun doute chambouler des pratiques en place en construction depuis très longtemps.

La formation Surintendants de chantier en construction de bâtiments, offerte par la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec, en collaboration avec ÉTS Formation et la Commission de la construction du Québec, s’adresse à ceux qui œuvrent déjà dans l’Industrie de la construction et qui aspirent à devenir surintendant de chantiers ou à se perfectionner pour acquérir de nouvelles compétences. Offerte sous forme de modules, cette formation est flexible et permet aux professionnels de l’industrie d’obtenir une attestation de formation continue dans des délais raisonnables. Elle permet aussi une reconnaissance de leurs acquis et de leurs com­pétences et évite au participant de refaire ce qu’il maîtrise déjà.

Source: École de technologie supérieure


SNC-Lavalin obtient une prolongation de son contrat de SIG+ avec Saudi Aramco
SNC-Lavalin annonçait récemment que SNC-Lavalin Fayez Engineering (SLFE), un partenariat de génie-conseil entre SNC-Lavalin et le Dr Zuhair Fayez, a obtenu une prolongation de 5 ans de son contrat actuel de services d’ingénierie générale plus (SIG+) avec Saudi Aramco, comprenant 3 options de prolongation d’un an.

En vertu de ce contrat, SNC-Lavalin sera invitée à soumissionner pour des services d’ingénierie de base, d’ingénierie détaillée et de gestion de projet afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre des programmes d’immobilisations et d’investissements de maintien de Saudi Aramco dans le Royaume d’Arabie saoudite. Les projets comprendront des installations de production et de traitement du pétrole et du gaz à terre, des bâtiments et des infrastructures ainsi que des installations de raffinage et de pétrochimie.

SLFE a réalisé plus de 200 projets dans le cadre du programme de SIG+ au cours des 5 dernières années. La plupart d’entre eux étaient des soumissions concurrentielles dans le Royaume contre d’autres entrepreneurs en SIG+ qualifiés par Saudi Aramco. Ces projets ont été réalisés à partir du siège social de SLFE situé à Al-Khobar, en Arabie saoudite.

«Saudi Aramco est un client important depuis plus de 20 ans, a déclaré Martin Adler, président, Pétrole et gaz, SNC-Lavalin. Nous sommes honorés d’avoir l’opportunité de poursuivre notre relation à titre d’entrepreneur en SIG+ approuvé et de contribuer au programme du Royaume visant à accroître le savoir-faire et l’emploi à l’échelle locale. Nous sommes très fiers de la confiance que Saudi Aramco accorde à notre expertise technique, à nos systèmes et à nos capacités de gestion de projet, et nous sommes ravis de poursuivre notre collaboration dans le cadre de cette nouvelle entente à long terme afin d’aider Saudi Aramco à atteindre les objectifs fixés en vertu du contrat de SIG+.»

Source: SNC-Lavalin

Industry News


Fayat to Acquire the Road Construction Equipment Division of Atlas Copco
Fayat has agreed to buy the Road Construction Equipment Division of Atlas Copco, which manufactures rollers for asphalt and soil applications, pavers and planers. These products are known under the Dynapac trade name.
Fayat plans to strengthen its strategic position in road construction and maintenance equipment through the acquisition of Dynapac.

Fayat has deep expertise on this market through the companies Bomag, Marini, Marini-Ermont and SAE, Secmair and Breining.

The agreement includes sales and service operations in 37 countries and production units in five countries: Sweden, Germany, Brazil, India and China. The business has 1 265 employees and revenues of approximately €309 millions ($430 millions) in 2016.

The acquisition is subject to regulatory approvals and is expected to be completed during the second quarter 2017.

"We are very happy and proud to integrate Dynapac, a highly recognized brand, into our Group," said Jean-Claude Fayat, president of the Fayat Group. "We will continue to leverage the strengths of our existing organizations and Dynapac, in parallel: all customers will continue to be supported with their products. Dynapac has an excellent strategic place in our Group and we plan on growing and expanding its presence and product offering. We will leverage its expertise and technologies together with our existing portfolio to continuously develop equipment that closely addresses our customers’ needs."

Source: Fayat


Robit Plc Establishes Manufacturing Operations in the U.S. Via Asset Purchase
Robit Plc signed and closed an agreement to purchase the manufacturing assets and IPRs from Halco International LLC and Halco America LLC on 12th January 2017.

As a part of the global growth strategy Robit Plc strengthens significantly its footprint in the U.S.

With this purchase Robit Plc receives the strong brand of Halco and a base to grow the production volume in the U.S. Robit Plc will be manufacturing its down-the-hole (DTH) products with the target market being especially the Americas region. The range covers all common sizes used in quarrying, construction, mining and well drilling.

The 4,000 m2 factory is located 80 km north of Dallas, in the city of Sherman, Texas. Its highly integrated supply chain network links through multiple transportation modes, including air and express delivery services, freight rail and truck transport.

Halco is a pioneer brand in down-the-hole drilling with the brand name originating from Halifax Tool Co, UK 1948. Both Halco companies were owned by Regent since 2014 when the California-based private equity company acquired them from Caterpillar. Prior the sale, Caterpillar had invested heavily into the facilities and machinery.

Source: Robit Plc


Fairbanks Scales to Showcase Weighing Innovation at CONEXPO-CON/AGG
Fairbanks Scales Inc. announces they will be showcasing state-of-the-art industrial scales at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 7-11, 2017. The show is the largest international trade show in the Western Hemisphere serving the construction industries, attracting top-level decision makers from around the world.

Cutting-edge products on display at Fairbanks’ booth will include the Titan Series Portable Vehicle Scale, designed to the highest standards in the industry. The Titan is constructed with multiple 12” and 16” Structural Steel I-beams. These massive supports, coupled with the highest deflection rating on the market, produce an extremely rigid and durable portable weighbridge.

The Titan is designed with an open bottom design to prevent moisture from being trapped and creating rust. The Titan load cells are Hermetic Sealed, IP69K rated, Stainless Steel and impervious to moisture intrusion.
Fairbanks Scales will also feature its FB2550 Driver Assist Terminal, designed to speed the vehicle weighing process and reduce associated operating costs. By allowing drivers to remain inside their vehicles, the FB2550 DAT eliminates safety concerns and liabilities due to drivers walking across scale platforms and traffic lanes.

Additionally, show attendees will be able to view the 1605T Series Remote Display, and to watch and discuss with experts how it operates. Fairbanks’ high-intensity LED remote display with integrated traffic light is designed to save you time, space, and money by combining traffic control and display functions in a single device.

The technology is also available as a wireless configuration. The unique all-in-one design with the added benefit of wireless technology eliminates the need for expensive cable and conduit installation.

Source: Fairbanks Scales


Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas Names Top Dealers for 2016
Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas honored 7 of its top dealers for 2016 during a meeting of its North American dealers at the AED Summit, held January 10-13, 2017, in Chicago, Illinois.

Hyundai awarded its top honor of Dealer of the Year to Rob’s Hydraulics, Inc. of Grimesland, North Carolina, and for the first time named a Rookie Dealer of the Year, with RECO Equipment of Belmont, Ohio, earning that title.

Selected as top performing Hyundai construction equipment dealers of 2016 were CIMI Inc. of Levis, Quebec, Chappell Tractor Sales, Inc. of Milford, New Hampshire, Four Seasons Equipment, Inc. of Houston, Texas, Modern Group, Ltd. of Bristol, Pennsylvania, and Rueter’s, of Carroll, Iowa.

“Hyundai has served the North American construction equipment market for more than 25 years. Throughout that time, our dealers have helped us achieve our goals and meet the needs of Hyundai construction equipment customers,” M.S. Kang, president, Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, said at a luncheon honoring its top dealers. “We congratulate the sales, service and management teams of our 2016 top dealerships for their hard work and success.”

Source: Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas


British Columbia Adopts ASTM A1035 Steel into Their Corrosion Protection Standards to Extend Bridge Service Lives
The Canadian province of British Columbia, through its Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, recently updated its Bridge Standards and Procedures Manual Supplement to the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) S6-14 to include ASTM A1035 high strength, corrosion resistant reinforcing steels for use on its concrete bridge structures. The Ministry delineates the rebar requirements for each of its bridge classifications within its standards, including ASTM A1035 for many of its roadways.

ChrōmX reinforcing steels (ChrōmX 9000, 4000 and 2000) produced by Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Inc. for MMFX Steel Corporation to meet the ASTM A1035 CS, CM and CL specifications provide extended service lives for bridges due to the products’ corrosion resistant properties. The MMFX line of ChrōmX reinforcing steels provides over 690 MPa of yield strength and varying levels of corrosion resistance, so designers can utilize the high strength efficiencies and select the corrosion protection needed for the structure.

“The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has taken a definitive step in upgrading its infrastructure by updating its corrosion protection design standards to include the full line of ChrōmX products,” according to Tom Russo, CEO of MMFX Steel. “Since rebar corrosion is the main cause of bridge deterioration, the use of ChrōmX reinforcing steels will result in longer bridge service lives.”

British Columbia joins other ministries of transportation, like Alberta, and departments of transportation, like Virginia, in using ChrōmX reinforcing steels as a corrosion resistant reinforcement for corrosion prevention. Rebar represents a small percentage of the overall costs of a bridge, yet it is the material that defines the useful life of the structure. By including ASTM A1035 steels, the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has benefited taxpayers by lowering maintenance and repair costs over a longer service life, thereby lowering life cycle costs and traffic disruptions.

Source: MMFX Steel Corporation


Company Merger at Bauer Resources
At the start of December, BAUER Umwelt GmbH, BAUER Water GmbH and BAUER Resources GmbH were merged to form a single company.

“The positive growth of our environmental business and the resulting requirements show that the previous strategy with several companies was no longer suitable for the future,” says Johann Mesch , Bauer managing director. “The merging of BAUER Resources GmbH, BAUER Umwelt GmbH and BAUER Water GmbH will result in many administrative simplifications in the development of projects, meaning that we will now be an even stronger partner with pooled expertise.”

BAUER Umwelt celebrated its 25-year anniversary in 2015 and is today one of the prominent environmental companies in Germany and the surrounding countries. Its portfolio includes the remediation of waste sites, disposal of contaminated waste from construction and industry and the cleaning of ground and site water. In July 2015, BAUER was awarded a contract by Roche Pharma AG for the remediation of part of the former Kesslergrube landfill. BAUER Umwelt GmbH’s primary task is to excavate and collect approximately 280,000 t of soil in special safety containers and to haul them away. The contaminated excavated material will then undergo thermal treatment. The remediation of Kesslergrube is the largest single contract in the history of the BAUER Group.

BAUER Water has been one of the leading providers in the area of water treatment for over 20 years. As a competent plant manufacturer, the company boasts many years of experience in the areas of drinking water, process water, waste water and decontamination. BAUER Water’s services range from consultation, assessment of feasibility, system conception, planning and design of plants, assembly and commissioning of plants, to plant servicing including delivery of service products and ancillary materials with ongoing optimization of the plant operation.

Now, all 3 of the companies have completely merged with BAUER Resources GmbH as legal successors. “The previous contact persons are still available for our customers and partners and our locations will also remain fully unchanged. The known and proven brands BAUER Umwelt and BAUER Water will also continue to represent our services on the market,” explains Johann Mesch.

Source: BAUER Group


ALL Invests in New Liebherr All-Terrain Cranes Ahead of Their U.S. Debut
The ALL Family of Companies announces that they have preordered several new Liebherr models as yet unavailable in the U.S. – including 2 LTM 1450-8.1 450 t all-terrain cranes. The Liebherr Group plans to debut the LTM 1450-8.1 at the 2017 CONEXPO-CON/AGG show that will be held from March 7–11, in Las Vegas.

With a powerful 85 m telescopic main boom and a full range of lattice jib attachments, this Liebherr AT can handle jobs at – and above – its 450 t capacity. The LTM 1450-8.1 was manufactured to accommodate a variety of transport weight and machine axle configurations, making it one of the most road-friendly 8-axle ATs on the market.

“This all-terrain crane is unique, as it was designed for both ease of transport and minimal setup time, which increases efficiency before, during, and after the job,” said Hutton Strader, business development specialist for ALL. “The new VarioBallast® system also gives us the flexibility to have capacity when we need it, while still allowing us to work in spaces where many other large cranes simply will not fit. We see great potential for this machine to work on wind farms, refineries, and chemical plants, as well as in setting up tower cranes.”

“We’re committed to investing in machines that will provide distinct advantages for our customers, whether in terms of strength, flexibility, mobilization, or cost effectiveness,” said Michael L. Liptak, president of ALL. “The LTM 1450-8.1 delivers on all of those criteria.”

Source: The ALL Family of Companies


Haver & Boecker Brings Flexibility to Jobsites with New Portable F-Class Vibrating Screen
Haver & Boecker’s new, portable F-class vibrating screen offers increased mobility to maximize flexibility and ROI for aggregate and mining operations. Each portable F-Class features a base frame that easily attaches to a custom-built chassis. The portable plant includes a hydraulic system that positions the vibrating screen at the optimal angle. These features allow producers to move and setup the portable F-Class in less than 30 minutes in nearly any location.

“To help our customers streamline their operations, and provide solutions to a broader array of operations, we amplified our F-Class vibrating screen by adding portability,” said Karen Thompson, Haver & Boecker Canada president. “This not only gives customers the flexibility to easily travel from jobsite to jobsite, but our leading edge, 4-bearing screening technology virtually eliminates the common issues of pegging, blinding and cross contamination, therefore increasing overall efficiency and profitability.”
Beyond flexibility, Haver & Boecker’s updated F-Class vibrating screen offers up to 3 screen decks. The vibrating screen features an advanced double eccentric shaft design, supported by 4 high-performance, double-spherical roller bearings. Each F-Class is equipped with Haver & Boecker’s revolutionary Ty-Rail™ quick-tensioning system, which minimizes downtime for screen media change-outs by about 50%.

The F-Class is ideal for screening situations that require consistent, load independent performance at constant g-force in all operational modes. Featuring a unique and reliable, proven 4-bearing technology, the vibrating screen minimizes structural vibration and delivers a consistent stroke, which 2-bearing screens cannot provide.

The vibrating screen is mounted on a chassis, which uses hydraulics to achieve an optimal screening angle – from 15° to 25° – as well as to lift the machine while adding cribbing for support. This setup process takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Take down is even faster, requiring less than 20 minutes to lower the unit so it can move to the next location.

“With the fast pace of the industry and the underlying need to increase screening efficiency and profitability, it was the right time to launch the portable F-Class,” Mrs Thompson said. “The demand for portable plants has grown significantly over the years, which is why we wanted to provide a solution for our customers. We’re using our decades of experience coupled with that of our partners, such as HIKON Industries, to develop the absolute best mobile screening platform on the market. Together, we can offer our customers the entire package.”

Businesses can customize the portable F-Class setup to include a crusher system for enhanced productivity. The F-Class is ideal for tough applications, such as scalping and classifying ores, minerals, stones, sand and gravel.

Source: Haver & Boecker Canada


Visit Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology at CONEXPO-CON/AGG
Visitors are encouraged to visit Sandvik Mining & Rock Technology’s booth during CONEXPO-CON/AGG to learn about new developments in Mineral and Ground Tools for mining, trenching and road planing. Sandvik’s latest generation of patented carbide grades, manufactured using an innovative process technique with completely new raw materials, has made it possible to create new, extra-coarse, super-tough alloys with perfectly uniform grain structure. The benefit is that the tip’s material grade can be better matched to hard rock and soft rock applications.

Sandvik constantly develops new hard material alloys to function in the most demanding environments. One result of its extensive research projects in this field is the development of the new carbide grade generation – providing larger, stronger and more efficient tools. Demands on tool performance, particularly relating to cemented carbide tip material and its resistance to wear and fracture, become more critical as operations progress into harder rock and mineral formations. Larger continuous cutting machines are being used to replace the traditional drill-and-blast process in many mining projects. This continuous cutting process offers a lower cost per ton of excavated material, ensures better worker safety and also has a positive effect on the environment.

Sandvik is the world’s leading supplier of machines and tool systems for all rock, surface and mineral excavation applications. The company delivers millions of tools annually for numerous applications – from road planing and ice scraping, to projects that require roof drilling bits for all types of coal and soft minerals, to tools that meet the needs of the biggest tunneling, trenching and surface mining applications. Sandvik tools are manufactured globally to the highest quality standards, using the strongest materials and most stringent manufacturing processes to ensure their hardness and superior performance in the field.

Source: Sandvik Mining & Rock Technology


Elliott Launches 36142 Boom Truck Featuring Longest Boom in its Class
Elliott Equipment Company is proud to announce the release of the new 32.6 t 36142 BoomTruck telescopic truck-mounted crane model featuring the longest boom available in its class. With a 5-section 43.28 m main boom and optional 9.75 m - 14.93 m 2-section jib, the 36142 offers a maximum tip height of 61.26 m.

The new model is designed to serve a range of customers including those in the utility/transmission construction industry who have ongoing needs for long-reach telescopic cranes on road legal chassis that can be used for both material handling and working at height using a detachable work platform.

Source: Elliott Equipment Company


IMT Enhances Dominator® Line with New Features
Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. (IMT), an Oshkosh Corporation company recently announced 3 new enhancements to its Dominator line of service trucks. Innovative improvements to the boom support, master lock system and rear access package build upon the best-in-class quality and dependability IMT is known for, while streamlining the Dominator truck user experience.

“We listened to our customer’s needs, and developed these three enhancements to improve upon the Dominator’s ease of use,” said Jim Hasty, general manager of IMT. “The upgraded boom support, master lock system and rear access package work together to ensure the Dominator’s position as a top-of-the-line service truck, where every detail matters.”

The boom support will now be built standard with molded urethane in place of rubber. The shock absorbing, weatherproof urethane is formed over sheet metal, which provides dependable support.

As a company always on the lookout for ways to innovate, IMT is proud of its new, optional master lock system. The new master lock is a spring-loaded system with a push-pull operation that ensures a secure lock every time. Users will have peace of mind with the new master lock system.

Convenient access has always been a priority in the Dominator line, which inspired the improvements to the upgraded rear access package. Keeping the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s three points of contact guidelines in mind, IMT equipped the Dominator with an extended handle and an extra step. The handle provides more surface for two hands to make contact, while the extra step reduces the height of the initial step as well as the distance between steps. This access package is now standard across the Dominator product line.

These improvements ensure exceptional performance, safety and convenience across IMT’s Dominator line.

Ever-improving, IMT continues to develop innovative features for its service trucks. Further enhancements specific to the Dominator line will be announced at CONEXPO-CON/AGG.

Source: Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.


Magnetek Introduces New Cable Reel Product Line
Magnetek, Inc. recently announced the availability of their new cable reel product line. Magnetek cable reels are designed to be mounted on moving machinery and used to supply power for the automatic winding of flexible power or control cables. The Company offers both spring driven and motorized electric cable reels, as well as slip ring assemblies.

Available in 5 sizes, Magnetek’s Industrial Duty Spring Reels provide a cost-effective, pre-engineered solution for general purpose applications such as overhead material handling cranes, mobile cranes, construction cranes, emergency and rescue vehicles, monorails, excavators, and welding systems.

Mill Duty Spring Reels, available in a multitude of sizes, are designed for optimum performance on overhead cranes, monorails, and magnet cranes operating in rugged environments such as mills, foundries, and other heavy-duty industries.

Magnetek’s Motorized Cable Reels are ideal for long travel lengths and high voltage applications such as log handling gantry cranes, port gantry cranes, mobile excavators, ship-to-shore cranes, deck and construction cranes, particularly on runway motions, and hoisting equipment of all types.

Custom engineered slip ring assemblies are also available for any size or configuration and deliver consistent power to rotating components, ensuring continuous revolution. Communication and fiber optic slip rings are also available. Magnetek cable reels may be packaged with any of the Company’s industry-leading power and motion control products.

Source: Magnetek

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