“World’s Best Bricklayer!” Is From Hamilton

In front of the largest crowd in the 17-year history of the SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500® World Championship, Mason Mario Alves of A & M Masonry in Hamilton, Ontario, won big. Mr. Alves was crowned “World’s Best Bricklayer”.

After 60 minutes of laying bricks against 26 other world-class masons, the 30 year old put up a wall with a brick count of 760 perfect brick that earned him a 2019 Ford F-250 XLT 4×4 truck, an Essick EM120 HYD mortar mixer on top of US$10,000 ($13,200) in cash and prizes. It was his 3rd time qualifying for the championship event in Las Vegas, Nevada. With the help of his brother mason tender Michael, Mario Alves delivered his best performance in an arena packed with thousands of spectators.

Commonly referred to as the “Super Bowl of Masonry”, the bricklaying battle took place on January 23, in the heart of the Masonry Madness® Day arena at the World of Concrete trade show.

Source: SPEC MIX

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