
Équipement SMS, dont la vision est d’être le principal fournisseur d’équipement et de solutions pour ses clients, annonçait avec fierté que l’Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) a décerné à Clayton Kennon le nouveau Prix du technicien certifié pour le Canada.

«La Fondation AED est fière de rendre hommage au travail et à l’engagement de techniciens comme Clayton en lui décernant le prix du technicien de l’année 2019», déclarait Jason Blake, vice-président exécutif et chef de l’exploitation de la Fondation AED. «Nous tenons à remercier Équipement SMS de sa participation à cette première édition, et nous poursuivrons le développement de cette reconnaissance dans l’avenir.»

«Clayton est un leader, un mentor et une référence pour nos techniciens», soulignait Larry Gouthro, directeur général d’Équipement SMS. «Il prend soin des nouveaux employés et s’assure qu’ils vont dans la bonne direction. Il fait en sorte qu’ils se sentent comme faisant partie de l’équipe. Nous pouvons toujours compter sur Clayton dans une situation difficile ou lorsque l’on fait face à un délai serré. Son dévouement est contagieux.»

En plus de son encadrement des techniciens, monsieur Kennon a été honoré pour son travail acharné et son dévouement qui ont contribué au succès de son service, ainsi qu’au succès de l’organisation et de la planification des pièces pour les nouvelles constructions.

Ce technicien de 22 ans d’expérience passe actuellement la majeure partie de son temps à faire l’entretien de l’équipement entre Fort McMurray, en Alberta et le nord de la Saskatchewan. Dès son plus jeune âge, il s’est distingué par son travail acharné et son dévouement à bien faire le travail. Clayton Kennon a grandi sur une ferme familiale dans les régions rurales de la Saskatchewan, au Canada, et au moment de recevoir cet honneur, il a indiqué qu’il a hérité son éthique de travail de ses parents.

Après avoir obtenu son diplôme de l’école secondaire en 1997, monsieur Kennon a travaillé comme apprenti jusqu’en 2000. Il a obtenu son diplôme de travailleur agricole en 2001 et a poursuivi ses études en machinerie lourde à l’automne 2007 avant de se joindre à Équipement SMS en décembre 2007. La passion de l’apprentissage de ce technicien en équipement lourd n’a jamais cessé. En tant que technicien certifié d’Équipement SMS, Clayton Kennon apprend constamment sur l’équipement et les technologies les plus récentes.

En plus de fournir à monsieur Kennon plus d’outils pour former les prochains techniciens d’Équipement SMS, les cours lui permettent d’avoir une meilleure compréhension de l’équipement qu’il entretient — un investissement essentiel pour suivre l’évolution rapide de l’équipement lourd.

Source: Équipement SMS


The Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) elected James McVeety, director of Pre-Construction, P3 and Major Projects at Black and McDonald, as its president during its 93rd annual general meeting on February 3rd in Toronto. Mr. McVeety is taking over the helm of the association’s board from Steve Smith.

Hailing from North Bay, Mr. McVeety is a licensed professional engineer with a B. Eng. in Civil Engineering from Ryerson University. He holds a MBA from the University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business, and a Gold Seal Certificate for road building and Heavy Construction from the Canadian Construction Association. He got his start in the industry nearly 30 years ago as an engineering student working on construction projects in northern Ontario. He worked on road, sewer and water main projects as a student construction inspector in locations such as Cochrane, Chapleau, Hearst and, eventually, for the old City of North York. Mr. McVeety’s career progressed from working for a smaller family-owned paving contractor in the GTA to larger domestic and multi-national firms where he led and managed some of the largest and most complex civil infrastructure projects in the province. In his current position at Black and McDonald, he is involved in large-scale North American infrastructure projects and is responsible for partnering and teaming relationships, construction joint ventures and infrastructure finance from the initial stages of project pursuit through to project execution.

James McVeety first became active in the Association in 1999 and joined the ORBA Board of Directors in 2013. In addition to his involvement on the Board, he is the Chair of ORBA’s Alternative Financing & Procurement Committee, serves on ORBA’s Audit, Contracts and Documents and Executive Committees and is Chair of the Metrolinx Transit Contractors Council.

Source: Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA)



Link Mfg., Ltd. recently announced that it has appointed Todd Smith to the position of senior OE account manager.

Mr. Smith is an experienced sales and marketing professional with a background of more than 21 years of selling highly-engineered products, systems and components to on- and off-highway OEMs, most recently as national account manager for Neenah Enterprises. He has held various account management positions throughout his career with companies such as Dana Corporation, ZF Industries and Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems. Todd Smith holds a bachelor degree in business administration from the University of Toledo.

“We have a great deal to accomplish in the coming months, and Todd’s OE sales and account management acumen will prove invaluable as we continue to expand existing business and penetrate new market segments with Link’s revolutionary new technologies,” said Mike Leakey, vice president of sales and marketing. “I’m excited to have him as part of our expanding account management team.”

Source: Link Mfg., Ltd.



Manitou Group, the global leader in rough-terrain handling, announces the appointment of Élisabeth Ausimour as president of the Material Handling & Access (MHA) division. She also becomes a member of the Group’s Executive Committee. Her mission will be to guide the design and production of Manitou-brand products.

A graduate of EPF École d’ingénieurs, Élisabeth Ausimour began her career in shipbuilding at Chantiers de l’Atlantique, where she held multiple positions in purchasing for five years. She joined Manitou Group in 2005 and assumed responsibility for hydraulic purchasing. In 2009, Ms. Ausimour evolved within the Group and took over customer quality. From 2011 to 2016, she directed the Candé (Maine-et-Loire) aerial work platform production facility. With her team, she reorganized and strengthened the platforms business, making it a growth driver for the Group. In 2016, she assumed responsibility for one of the Group’s transformation programs in connection with the implementation of an ERP.

In January 2020, Élisabeth Ausimour was appointed President of the MHA division. Her primary role is now to guide the development of the division and strengthen its profitability, with a major focus on energy transition and technology.

“After 14 years at Manitou Group, I am delighted to take over for Fernand Mira, to whom the company owes a lot today. It is very exciting to work in a company where I have had the opportunity to evolve through various positions and responsibilities and now to join the executive committee.

With the talents of the MHA division, we are going to launch major transformation projects to achieve our ambitions of growth. Our role is to put innovation and industrial performance at the service of value creation for our customers.”

Source: Manitou Group



The Board of directors of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation has appointed Mikael Hannus as the executive secretary, responsible for the Marcus Wallenberg Prize, based in Sweden. He is vice president of Group Innovation, Research and Development at Stora Enso in Sweden.

The recruitments of Mr. Hannus will help the Marcus Wallenberg Prize to continue to reward exceptional accomplishments in forest and biomaterial sciences and lead the way to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy, says chairman Marcus Wallenberg. Mikael Hannus succeeds Professor Kaj Rosén who retires after 7 years as the executive secretary.

The Marcus Wallenberg Prize is an annual international award of SEK 2 million ($271,000). It is presented by HM the King of Sweden at a ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden.

Source: Marcus Wallenberg Foundation

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