Nouvelles brèves

Diesel-Bec agrandit son territoire!

J.S. Levesque Ltée, entreprise propriétaire de Centre de moteur J.S. Levesque de Rivière-du-Loup et de Diesel-Bec Inc. de Boisbriand, distributeur des moteurs John Deere et Yanmar pour le Québec, est fière d’annoncer son expansion dans toutes les provinces atlantiques.

Dorénavant, Diesel-Bec Inc., distribuera les moteurs John Deere et Yanmar marine dans l’est du Canada en oeuvrant sous le nom de New Way Diesel.

Toute l’équipe est très heureuse de ce développement qui aura des retombées plus que positives pour toutes les régions desservies par notre compagnie.

Source: Groupe JSL, Diesel-Bec


La société mère d’Enerpac acquiert Hydrospex

Actuant Corporation, la société mère d’Enerpac, annonçait récemment son rachat des actions d’Hydrospex, dont le siège social est situé à Hengelo, aux Pays-Bas. Hydrospex conçoit et fabrique des systèmes et produits destinés au marché du levage lourd – «strand jacks», portiques de manutention hydrauliques et systèmes de ripage. Parmi ses clients figurent des entreprises de levage lourd telles que Mammoet, Sarens, Burkhalter et Bigge.

Selon Mark Sefcik, président d’Enerpac, «la position d’Hydrospex en tête du marché, sa marque forte, son large portefeuille de produits et de systèmes complètent l’activité d’Enerpac. Notre Division de Solutions Intégrées constitue notre atout principal en matière de croissance. La combinaison entre Hydrospex et le réseau global d’Enerpac ne devrait qu’accélérer celle-ci.»

Hydrospex dépendra de la Division des Solutions Intégrées d’Enerpac. Pieter Kroese, directeur global d’Integrated Solutions, déclare quant à lui : «Hydrospex enrichit les capacités existantes d’Integrated Solutions, et vient compléter Enerpac très naturellement, ce qui permet d’étendre les capacités du système et de renforcer la base de données clients. Durant les 25 dernières années, Tjerko Jurgens, président-directeur général et propriétaire d’Hydrospex, ainsi que son équipe ont travaillé dur pour aboutir à une position en tête du marché. Nous pensons que la combinaison entre les capacités de levage lourd d’Hydrospex et l’expertise en matière de synchronisation ainsi que la présence globale d’Enerpac, offrira à nos clients un fournisseur total en systèmes hydrauliques/mécaniques pour le déplacement de structures et d’objets lourds. Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée de travailler avec Tjerko et son équipe de management, et d’étendre avec eux notre portefeuille d’outils industriels.»

Enerpac a également acquis Team Hydrotec, une entreprise basée à Singapour, qui devrait apporter ses fortes capacités d’ingénierie. Ces deux acquisitions confirment l’ambition d’Enerpac de proposer ses solutions intégrées à une échelle globale, et d’élargir ses propositions en matière technologique.

Source: Enerpac Integrated Solutions


Sensile Technologies SA présente sa dernière unité de télémétrie : NETRIS®

La société Sensile Technologies SA est la première entreprise mondiale à incorporer le modem GE865-QUAD de Telit à un tout nouveau produit présentant de nombreux avantages.

«Les deux sociétés partagent une vision et une approche similaires des communications machine-à-machine et des valeurs fondamentales communes de constante innovation, de stratégie claire, de satisfaction de la clientèle et d’une quête continue de perfection.»

Ses unités de télémétrie autonomes sont installées sur les citernes ou connectées aux compteurs existants et transmettent régulièrement des informations sur le niveau de remplissage par le réseau GSM à un serveur central. Le client peut suivre en toute sécurité la consommation de chacune de ses citernes sur une page Internet ou par un système de gestion intégrée ERP, et optimiser ainsi ses achats et ses livraisons. Ces appareils permettent de réduire les coûts de logistique, d’améliorer le service après-vente et la fidélisation des clients et d’assurer que les citernes ne soient plus jamais vides. Sensile Technologies équipe actuellement plus de 25 000 citernes dans toute l’Europe, et a aussi installé des systèmes en Afrique, en Asie, en Australie et en Amérique du Sud.

Le nouveau système, NETRIS®, offre un design amélioré et breveté qui rend encore plus aisée son installation, en raison notamment de la petite taille du modem GE865-QUAD. S’agissant d’un modem quatre bandes, il permet aussi à Sensile Technologies d’élargir son marché à de nouveaux pays dans le monde. Parmi les autres améliorations, on peut citer une durée de vie opérationnelle des batteries plus longue, de 10 ans, et la possibilité de se connecter à d’autres unités via un lien RF (Radio Fréquence). Le nouveau boîtier rencontre jusqu’ici un succès fulgurant.

«NETRIS® est l’aboutissement de 10 ans d’expérience de Sensile Technologies, combiné à une collaboration fructueuse avec Telit», déclare Jean-Marc Uehlinger, directeur opérationnel. «Les deux sociétés partagent une vision et une approche similaires des communications machine-to-machine et des valeurs fondamentales communes de constante innovation, de stratégie claire, de satisfaction de la clientèle et d’une quête continue de perfection.»

Cette année, Sensile Technologies célèbre son 10e anniversaire avec le lancement de NETRIS®. En outre, pour soutenir sa croissance, le siège de la société a déménagé dans de nouveaux locaux spacieux à Morges, en Suisse.

Source: Sensile Technologies SA


Unité de purification de l’eau fonctionnant à l’énergie solaire

SwissINSO Holding Inc. annonçait récemment l’achèvement de l’installation de sa première unité de purification de l’eau fonctionnant à l’énergie solaire. L’unité sera redéployée sur le terrain au cours des 6 à 8 prochains mois après avoir servi de vitrine pour les parties intéressées, les clients et les distributeurs potentiels. Ces unités, nommées KRYSTALL™, associent une technologie de membrane exclusive à des panneaux photovoltaïques d’avant-garde pour offrir la première solution véritablement écologique aux pénuries significatives d’eau potable. Fonctionnant entièrement à l’énergie solaire, chaque unité a la capacité de convertir chaque jour 100 000 l d’eau saumâtre et 50 000 l d’eau de mer en eau potable de haute qualité.

Cette prouesse est rendue possible par l’utilisation d’une technologie de membrane brevetée qui repose sur une série de plaques de membranes circulaires. Cette méthode propriétaire minimise de manière efficace la pression sur les pompes et les membranes, nécessitant ainsi moins d’énergie que les autres systèmes et permettant à l’unité de fonctionner uniquement à l’énergie solaire.

Source: SwissINSO


Siemens reçoit une deuxième commande d’éoliennes de RES Canada

Le Secteur Énergie de Siemens a reçu une commande pour 43 de ses éoliennes SWT-2.3-101 de 2,3 MW pour le parc de Greenwich situé près de Thunder Bay, en Ontario. En novembre 2009, Siemens avait aussi eu pour mandat de fournir 43 éoliennes SWT-2.3-101 pour le parc Talbot, près de Chatham, en Ontario. L’acheteur de ces 86 éoliennes, dont la capacité combinée atteint presque 200 MW, est Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc. (RES), un chef de file dans le domaine de l’énergie renouvelable et une société affiliée à RES Americas, qui a élaboré ou construit près de 10% de la capacité éolienne des États-Unis. Une fois terminés, ces parcs éoliens devraient fournir de l’énergie propre à plus de 60 000 résidences au Canada.

Dans le cadre de ce projet, le mandat de Siemens consiste à fournir et à mettre en service les éoliennes, tout en assurant leur maintenance et leur entretien pendant cinq ans, ce qui correspond à la période de garantie. De plus, Siemens installera 43 éoliennes au projet de parc éolien Greenwich, qui s’amorcera en juin 2011. La mise en service du parc Talbot est prévue pour décembre 2010.

Source: Siemens Canada Limitée


Satcon reçoit une commande de 150 MW pour des installations en Chine

Satcon Technology Corporation annonçait récemment une commande, pour 150 MW, de ses onduleurs solaires photovoltaïques de 500 kW de la part de GCL Solar Limited, un des plus importants développeurs et fournisseurs de centrales solaires à l’échelle industrielle en Chine. Cet accord marque la deuxième phase du partenariat conclu en 2009 entre Satcon et GCL, qui associe deux des fournisseurs et développeurs les plus novateurs du secteur dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables.

Satcon a commencé à livrer les onduleurs en avril, l’ensemble de la commande prévue devant être livrée d’ici fin octobre 2010. Les unités de 500 kW de Satcon seront utilisées dans plusieurs projets de taille industrielle à travers la Chine et s’appuieront sur la collaboration déjà fructueuse entre les deux sociétés, qui comprend les centrales de 3 MW et de 20 MW terminées en décembre 2009 et qui correspondent respectivement aux plus importantes installations sur toit et au sol de Chine.

«Les bases de l’industrie photovoltaïque de grande envergure en Chine ont été solidement établies au cours de l’année écoulée et le marché entre à présent dans la phase suivante en termes à la fois de sophistication et de taille des projets», a déclaré Gu Huamin, directeur général de GCL Solar Limited. «À mesure que nous progressons, l’équilibre entre innovation technologique, stabilité des systèmes et efficacité globale de ces derniers devient vital pour l’intégration réussie de l’énergie solaire au réseau national chinois».

«GCL est un des innovateurs les plus progressistes au monde dans le domaine des installations solaires de grande envergure», a déclaré Steve Rhoades, président et directeur général de Satcon. «Ses projets ont défini le nouveau standard dans la conception et l’installation de projets solaires de taille industrielle, et marquent un nouveau chapitre dans l’industrie mondiale de l’énergie solaire photovoltaïque. Nous sommes honorés de nous associer à GCL et de faire partie de cette équipe de niveau international de leaders de l’énergie solaire.»

«Notre partenariat avec Satcon nous a aidés à fournir un nombre important des plus grandes installations de Chine, chacune parvenant avec succès à offrir les plus hauts niveaux de performance et de fiabilité», a ajouté monsieur Huamin. «Satcon est un partenaire de confiance de GCL et continue de fournir les solutions d’onduleurs de taille industrielle pour l’énergie solaire les plus sophistiquées et les plus performantes au monde. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler étroitement avec Satcon pour répondre aux besoins du marché mondial des installations solaires de taille industrielle alors que nous continuons à nous appuyer sur les bases fructueuses que nous avons développées ensemble.»

Source: GCL Solar Limited
Satcon Technology Corporation


Siemens fournira une solution intégrale de pompage pour le prolongement du projet Keystone de TransCanada

Siemens Energy a reçu une commande visant à fournir à TransCanada des solutions intégrées de pompage dans le cadre du prolongement du projet Keystone, sur la côte du golfe du Mexique. Cet oléoduc pourra transporter du pétrole brut en provenance de l’Alberta pour desservir les marchés de la côte américaine du golfe du Mexique. Ce prolongement complétera le système d’oléoduc global Keystone, avec une première phase qui permettra de livrer du pétrole brut au Midwest américain à compter du milieu de l’année 2010. Il s’agit, pour Siemens, d’une commande d’une valeur de plus de 180 millions $.

Siemens fournira des pompes et de l’équipement électrique pour 38 stations de pompage, ce qui comprend 104 pompes et moteurs, de même que des entraînements à fréquence variable, des boîtiers électroniques avec de l’appareillage de connexion à faible et moyenne tensions, ainsi que des systèmes de commande pour chaque station de pompage. Siemens aura aussi pour mandat d’intégrer les composantes aux systèmes, en plus de livrer quatre sous-stations haute tension.

Le portefeuille de Siemens sur le plan des oléoducs comprend des compresseurs avec entraînements électriques ou au gaz naturel, des transformateurs, des sous-stations, des disjoncteurs, ainsi que de l’équipement d’automatisation, de communication et de sécurité. Ces solutions contribuent à répondre aux exigences des clients, y compris en ce qui a trait à la fiabilité, à la sécurité et à l’efficacité de l’exploitation d’un oléoduc.

Siemens propose aussi des solutions correspondant à divers types d’applications, sur terre ou au large des côtes, pour l’extraction, la séparation, la collecte et le traitement du pétrole brut et du gaz naturel, la récupération améliorée du pétrole, et des technologies de pointe pour le traitement après la séparation.

Source: Siemens Canada Limitée


AEI clôture le financement et initie la construction d’une centrale électrique de 300 MW au Guatemala

AEI a annoncé aujourd’hui que sa filiale à part entière, Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC, avait clôturé un financement à long terme pour la construction d’une nouvelle centrale électrique à combustible solide de 300 MW située près de Puerto Quetzal, au Guatemala. L’installation de 350 millions $ est un prêt à terme et de construction de 10 ans formé par un syndicat de banques régionales et internationales dirigé par Banca de Inversion Bancolombia Corporación Financiera, S.A. et la Central American Bank for Economic Integration.

La centrale électrique, qui sera construite par China Machine New Energy Corp. en vertu d’un contrat «clé en main», consiste en deux chaudières à lit fluidisé circulant à combustible solide utilisant une technologie de pointe conçue en conformité aux Principes Équateur ainsi qu’aux normes de performance et aux directives environnementales, de santé et de sécurité de l’International Finance Corporation. Jaguar Energy vendra 200 MW de son électricité aux sociétés de distribution d’électricité guatémaliennes locales de Gas Natural par le biais de contrats d’électricité à long terme de 15 ans conclus en 2008, le reste étant vendu sur les marchés de l’électricité en gros guatémaliens et régionaux. L’exploitation commerciale est prévue pour 2013.

Source: AEI


AES Solar Energy finalise un projet de financement pour un projet photovoltaïque en Italie

AES Solar Energy Ltd, une coentreprise entre AES Corporation et Riverstone Holdings LLC, annonçait récemment que l’une de ses filiales avait finalisé une facilité de financement pour un projet à long terme de 173 millions € (232 millions  $) visant à financer la construction du projet Cellino San Marco, une installation solaire photovoltaïque de 43 MW située dans la région des Pouilles en Italie.

Ce projet est le plus important projet de solaire photovoltaïque en Italie à atteindre le stade du financement complet.

Cinq banques ont participé au financement soit : Société Générale, Unicredit Mediocredito Centrale, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank et Dexia Crediop.

La construction du projet est en cours et celui-ci devrait atteindre le stade d’exploitation commerciale d’ici la fin de l’année 2010, le qualifiant pour le tarif de rachat régulé sur 20 ans dans le cadre du programme «Conto Energia». Le projet Cellino San Marco utilisera des panneaux solaires à couche mince First Solar.

Source: AES Solar Energy Ltée


Le module Peak Energy de REC fournit plus de puissance au mètre carré

Ce module de quatrième génération est le premier produit commercial conçu par l’une des plus grandes unités de production intégrées au monde. Il offre, grâce à l’efficacité du verre et des cellules employés, un rapport surface/puissance encore jamais atteint et une amélioration du rendement de 9 W par module.

Le module REC Peak Energy est le premier produit commercial à être fabriqué dans la nouvelle usine située à Singapour. Ce site est l’un des plus intégrés et des plus automatisés de l’industrie et il permet à REC de multiplier par quatre le volume des cellules et des modules. Avec le lancement réussi de cette unité de production et le lancement de ce nouveau produit, REC renouvelle son engagement d’offrir une qualité irréprochable, conforme à l’origine de la tradition norvégienne de l’entreprise et enrichie du savoir-faire technologique de pointe de Singapour.

Le module REC Peak Energy offre un rapport surface/puissance jamais atteint grâce aux améliorations technologiques apportées. L’introduction d’un système de triple bus bar et d’un contact amélioré entre la cellule et les cosses en métal améliore la transmission électrique et permet d’atteindre une augmentation de la puissance moyenne de neuf watts. Le processus de gravure sur verre est entièrement réalisé sur le site de production et REC utilise la technologie Sunarc pour améliorer le rendement énergétique de deux pourcent. Les modules sont faciles à installer avec des câbles prédécoupés et de nombreux points de mise à la terre, permettant de réduire les longueurs de câbles de mise à la terre nécessaires à l’installation. Faciles à manipuler et à déplacer, les modules sont conçus pour être robustes et durables, permettant de supporter une charge mécanique importante (5400 pascals).

Source: REC


Dresser offre un service Web multilingue à sa clientèle mondiale

Axée sur sa clientèle internationale croissante, la société Dresser, Inc., un fournisseur de premier plan de produits d’infrastructure à haute ingénierie au secteur énergétique mondial, a lancé une version mise à niveau en sept langues de son contenu Web intégral. Le nouveau Site Web permet à ses clients du monde entier de consulter des informations détaillées sur la société et ses produits dans leur langue natale.

«Nous avons constaté qu’un nombre croissant de nos clients de l’énergie utilisent notre site Web pour leurs activités de préachat», a déclaré Mike McCalley, directeur de marketing d’entreprise de Dresser. «En leur donnant des informations en plusieurs langues, nous offrons une expérience conviviale de premier ordre à nos clients de valeur lorsqu’ils recherchent et spécifient des produits et des services.»

Les informations sur Dresser et toutes ses marques – Dresser®, Consolidated®, Masoneilan®, Roots®, Waukesha®, Wayne® – sont désormais disponibles en espagnol international, chinois simplifié, français, allemand, russe et portugais brésilien, ainsi qu’en anglais.

En mettant la satisfaction du client et la convivialité au premier plan, cette nouvelle mise à niveau permettra à environ 90 % des clients de Dresser d’accéder au site dans leur première ou seconde langue.
La mise à niveau du site, qui fait partie d’une stratégie à plus long terme de soutien aux clients dans des marchés en pleine croissance, a été une entreprise significative réalisée en partenariat avec TransPerfect, un prestataire exemplaire et réputé de services linguistiques et commerciaux. «Un projet tel que celui-ci, qui a inclus les six marques Dresser, reflète l’engagement de Dresser et de TransPerfect qui est de servir leurs clients à l’échelle mondiale avec la meilleure technologie et la meilleure expertise linguistique disponibles», a commenté Liz Elting, co-PDG de TransPerfect.

Source: Dresser, Inc.


Nouveau distributeur pour Schlumberger Water Services au Québec

C’est avec grand plaisir que Schlumberger Water Services vous annonce la venue d’Équipement Environnemental Terra Inc. à titre de distributeur autorisé pour le Québec.

Équipement Environnemental Terra est une entreprise manufacturière et de distribution pour les professionnels de l´environnement, génie civil, géotechnique, hydrogéologie, forage, puits artésiens, géothermie, exploration et exploitation minière, barrages et systèmes d´eau. Depuis plus de 20 ans, son équipe de professionnels de grande expérience s´applique à trouver la solution pour mener à bien tous vos projets.

Schlumberger Water Services propose des solutions innovantes en matière de surveillance de l’eau souterraine, accompagnées de logiciels de gestion et d’analyse de données, de visualisation et de modélisation et d’une gamme complète de services de formation et de support pour les consultants en environnement, les organismes publics, les professionnels et les organismes de formation et de recherche

Source: Schlumberger Water Services


Kinedyne lance son nouveau catalogue

Acheter des équipements d’arrimage au Canada est maintenant plus facile.

Kinedyne Canada Ltée vient de lancer l’édition 2010 de son catalogue de produits d’arrimage. Ce nouveau venu simplifie et améliore le processus de commande et offre plus de solutions à nos clients.

Tout au long de ses 60 pages, le catalogue présente des images couleur en haute résolution et une information détaillée incluant les spécifications de tous nos produits, nouveaux ou existants.

«Nous savons que les acheteurs de produits Kinedyne sont des gens extrêmement occupés. Ils n’ont pas beaucoup de temps à perdre à déterminer quelle courroie ou chaîne sera la plus efficace pour arrimer leurs cargaisons», dit Robert Spooner, directeur des ventes chez Kinedyne Canada Ltée.

«C’est une des principales raisons pour lesquelles nous avons créé ce nouveau catalogue. Il est conçu pour offrir à nos clients la possibilité de sélectionner plus rapidement les produits de leur choix, ce qui leur laisse plus de temps pour développer leurs affaires.»

Source: Kinedyne Corporation


Aecon se joint à la coentreprise chargée du prolongement de l’autoroute 30

Groupe Aecon Inc. annonçait récemment que sa division Infrastructure a conclu un partenariat avec Acciona Infrastructures Canada Inc., Dragados Canada Inc. et Verreault Inc. pour participer à la société Nouvelle Autoroute 30 CJV, s.e.n.c. (NA30 CJV), la coentreprise de construction chargée du prolongement de l’autoroute 30 au Québec.

Le projet de l’autoroute 30 se déroule en mode partenariat public-privé (PPP). La signature de l’entente entre le ministère des Transports du Québec et Nouvelle Autoroute 30, s.e.n.c. (NA30), qui porte sur la conception, la construction, le financement, l’exploitation, l’entretien et la réhabilitation de l’autoroute 30 pour une durée de 35 ans, a eu lieu en septembre 2008. NA30 a accordé le mandat de conception et de construction à NA30 CJV.

Conformément à l’entente, Aecon détient une participation de 16% dans la coentreprise de construction chargée de l’aménagement d’un tronçon de 42 km dans la partie ouest de l’A-30. Ce projet comprend la construction d’une autoroute à quatre voies sur une distance de 35 km entre Châteauguay et Vaudreuil-Dorion et d’un tronçon de 7 km raccordant l’autoroute à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.

L’édification de deux grands ponts figure également dans le projet, en l’occurrence un pont de 2,5 km enjambant le canal de Beauharnois, un pont de 1,8 km au-dessus du fleuve Saint-Laurent et un tunnel de 90 m sous le canal de Soulanges. La construction de l’autoroute est commencée et devrait être terminée en 2012.

Source: Groupe Aecon Inc.




Industry News

Engrenage Provincial Partners with Fairfield in Canada

Fairfield Manufacturing is proud to announce the appointment of Engrenage Provincial, Inc. as an authorized distributor for the Torque-Hub® product line in the province of Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. As a full-service distributor and integrator of hydraulic and electro-hydraulic products, Engrenage Provincial has provided comprehensive, value-added services such as design, manufacturing, supply, training and repair since 1972.

“We are excited to have Engrenage Provincial join our network of professional, North American full-service hydraulic distributors,” said John Grabner, Fairfield regional sales manager. “The company’s outstanding reputation and commitment to customer service and support in Eastern Canada makes it a fine addition to the worldwide family of Fairfield distributors.”

Engrenage Provincial serves both mobile and industrial markets from offices in Quebec City, Chicoutimi and Boucherville.

Source: Oerlikon Fairfield


Brandt Tractor acquires Land Measurement Systems

Topcon Positioning Systems announced recently that one of the company’s largest distributors – Land Measurement Systems (LMS) of Calgary, Alberta – has been purchased by Brandt Tractor, Ltd.

Brandt is part of The Brandt Companies, the largest privately owned company in Saskatchewan. With 21 locations across Western Canada, Brandt is also the largest privately held John Deere dealership in the world.

Brandt has worked closely with LMS to distribute Topcon machine control products for Western Canada for more than two years.

With the acquisition of LMS, Brandt will now represent the full line of Topcon positioning products for surveying and construction. Brandt will also assume the Topcon Regional Repair Center operations, capable of servicing Topcon equipment from all across Canada and the United States. Additionally, Brandt will assume ownership of Topcon’s Real Time Kinetic (RTK) Network in Western Canada.

Source: Topcon Positioning Systems


The Charles Machine Works Acquires Hammerhead Trenchless Equipment

The Charles Machine Works, Inc., manufacturer of Ditch Witch® underground construction equipment, has acquired 100% ownership of HammerHead Trenchless Equipment, manufactured by Earth Tool Company, LLC (ETC) of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Hammerhead is a global leader in the design and manufacture of piercing tools, bursting systems, pneumatic hammers and horizontal directional drill tooling.

“Our decision to acquire HammerHead/ETC was based on our long-term, strategic commitment to grow our core business,” says Tiffany Sewell-Howard, CEO of The Charles Machine Works, Inc. “We plan to fully leverage HammerHead’s products and expertise to strengthen our position in the water and sewer rehabilitation markets globally.”

Source: The Charles Machine Works, Inc.


Terex Completes Divestment of Atlas Heavy Construction Equipment

Terex Corporation announced recently that it has completed the divestment of the Terex Atlas heavy construction equipment and knuckle-boom crane manufacturing operations located in Germany to Atlas Maschinen GmbH. Fil Filipov, a former Terex executive, is the chairman of Atlas Maschinen.

Divested in the transaction were crawler, wheel and rail excavators, knuckle-boom truck loader cranes and Terex® Atlas branded material handlers.

Terex compact equipment made in Germany, namely mini and midi-excavators and compact wheel loaders, as well as the Terex Fuchs® material handler line, remain with Terex as part of the Construction business segment. Also not part of the transaction are Terex® rigid and articulated trucks, backhoe-loaders and other products manufactured in the United Kingdom and Terex Roadbuilding equipment.

‘’With the completion of this transaction,Terex will now focus on growing and developing our remaining Construction businesses,’’ said Ron DeFeo, Terex chairman and CEO.

Source: Terex Corporation


Sensile Technologies SA Presents Latest Telemetry Unit: NETRIS®

The Swiss company Sensile Technologies SA is the first company worldwide to incorporate Telit’s GE865-QUAD modem into a newly launched product featuring a host of new benefits.

Their autonomous telemetry units are installed on tanks or connected to existing meters and regularly transmits tank level measurements via the GSM network to a central server. The customer can monitor consumption in each tank via a secured webpage or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, and so optimize purchases and deliveries. This reduces logistics costs, improves customer service and binding, and ensures that the tanks never run dry. Sensile Technologies currently monitors more than 25 000 tanks across Europe, and also has systems installed in Africa, Asia, Australia and South America.

The new system, NETRIS®, features an improved and registered design that makes it even easier to install, largely due to the small size of the GE865-QUAD modem. Being quad band, the modem is also allowing Sensile Technologies to expand to new countries around the world. Other improvements include a longer operational life of up to 10 years and the ability to connect to other units via an RF (Radio Frequency) link. Customer feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

“NETRIS® is the outcome of Sensile Technologies’ 10 years of experience combined with a successful collaboration with Telit” declares Jean-Marc Uehlinger, Operational Director. “Both companies have a similar view of and approach to the M2M business, and common core values of constant innovation, clear strategy, customer satisfaction, and craving for perfection.”

This year, Sensile Technologies is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the launch of the NETRIS®. Furthermore, in order to sustain its growth, the Headquarter has been moved in brand new spacious premises located in Morges, Switzerland.

Source: Sensile Technologies SA


SwissINSO Announces Completion of Solar-Powered Water Purification Unit

SwissINSO Holding Inc. recently announced the completion of the installation of its first solar water purification unit. The unit will be redeployed in the field in the next 6-8 months after it has served as a showcase for interested parties, customers, and potential distributors. These units, named KRYSTALL™, combine exclusive membrane technology with state of the art photovoltaic panels to achieve the first truly green solution to significant drinking water shortages. Fully powered by solar energy, each unit is capable of converting 100 000 l of brackish water and 50 000 l of seawater per day into high-quality drinking water.

This breakthrough is possible thanks to the use of a patented membrane technology that relies on a series of circular membrane plates. This proprietary method effectively minimizes pressure on the pumps and membranes, thus requiring less energy than other systems and allowing the unit to operate solely using solar power.

Source: SwissINSO


Siemens receives second wind turbine order from RES Canada

Siemens Energy has been awarded an order for 43 of its 2.3-MW SWT-2.3-101 wind turbines for the Greenwich Wind Energy Project near Thunder Bay, Ontario. In November 2009, Siemens was also contracted to supply 43 SWT-2.3-101 wind turbines for the Talbot Wind Energy Project near Chatham, Ontario. The purchaser of the 86 wind turbines with a combined rated capacity of nearly 200 MW is Renewable Energy Systems (RES) Canada Inc., a leading renewable energy company and an affiliate of RES Americas which has developed and/or constructed approximately 10% of the wind capacity in the United States. Once completed, the wind farms are expected to provide clean power for more than 60 000 Canadian homes.

The scope for both wind energy plants includes the supply and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a five-year service, maintenance and warranty agreement. Additionally, Siemens will install the 43 wind turbines at the Greenwich Wind Energy Project, which is expected to begin in June 2011. Commissioning of the Talbot Wind Energy Project is expected to be completed in December 2010.

"Canada is an important wind power market for Siemens. Five wind turbine orders totaling nearly 600 MW received in Canada over the last six months clearly demonstrate the success we've experienced," stated Bill Smith, senior vice president, Siemens Canada Limited. "Including the two Canadian wind farms commissioned in 2008, wind turbines from Siemens have the potential to provide clean power to approximately 240 000 Canadian homes," added Smith. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, Canada's wind energy industry enjoyed a record year with 950 MW of new wind energy capacity installed in eight provinces in 2009 - placing Canada ninth globally in terms of new installed capacity for the year.

Siemens and RES Americas have partnered on a number of projects since Siemens entered the wind power market in December 2004. In the United States, Siemens partnered with RES Americas on the supply of a total of 158 2.3 MW wind turbines, including 46 units for the Sweetwater 4B Wind Energy Project, 26 wind turbines for the Whirlwind Wind Energy Project, 14 units for the Nine Canyon III Wind Energy Project and 72 wind turbines for the Hackberry Wind Energy Project in Texas.

"RES Canada is pleased to continue our successful relationship with Siemens that now totals 1665 MW of successfully developed projects in Canada and the United States," said Andrew Fowler, vice president, Construction of RES Canada. "The Greenwich Wind Energy Project will bring the many benefits of renewable energy to the Township of Dorion and surrounding communities that includes up to 300 construction jobs."

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


Satcon Receives 150MW Order from GCL Solar Limited for Installations in China

Satcon Technology Corporation, a leading provider of utility scale power solutions for the renewable energy market, today announced an order for 150 MW of its 500 kW solar PV inverters from GCL Solar Limited, one of China’s largest utility solar power plant developers and suppliers. This deal marks the second phase of Satcon’s partnership with GCL that was established in 2009, linking two of the industry’s most innovative renewable energy suppliers and developers.

Satcon will begin supplying the inverters in April, with all deliveries scheduled for completion in October of 2010. Satcon’s 500 kW units will be used on multiple utility scale projects across China and will build on the already successful collaboration between the two companies, which includes the 3 MW and 20 MW power plants completed in December of 2009, China’s largest rooftop and ground mounted installations respectively.

“The foundation of China’s large scale photovoltaic industry has been firmly established over the past year and the market is now entering its next phase in both project sophistication and scale,” said Dr. Gu Huamin, general manager of GCL Solar Limited. “As we move forward the balance between technology innovation, system stability, and overall system efficiency becomes paramount to the successful integration of solar power onto China’s national grid.”

“GCL is one of the world’s most progressive large scale solar innovators,” said Steve Rhoades, Satcon’s president and CEO. “Their projects have set the new standard in utility scale solar design and installation, and mark a new chapter in the global solar PV power industry. We are honored to partner with GCL and be a part of this world class team of solar power leaders.”

“Our partnership with Satcon has helped us deliver many of China’s largest installations each successfully achieving the highest levels of performance and reliability,” continued Dr. Gu Huamin.

“Satcon is a trusted partner of GCL and continues to deliver the world’s most advanced and highest quality utility scale solar inverter solutions. We look forward to working closely with Satcon to address the needs of the global utility scale solar market as we continue to build on the successful foundation we have developed together.”

Source: GCL Solar Limited
Satcon Technology Corporation


Siemens to supply complete pumping solution for TransCanada's Keystone expansion in North America

Siemens Energy has received an order to supply integrated pumping solutions for TransCanada's Keystone Gulf Coast Expansion Project. The pipeline will have the capability to transport crude oil from Alberta, to serve markets on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The expansion will complement the overall Keystone Pipeline System, with the first phase expected to begin delivering crude oil to the U.S. Midwest in mid-2010. The order value for Siemens is more than $180 million.

"TransCanada's decision to work with Siemens reinforces our strategy of combining a broad range of integrated technology, equipment and expertise in pipeline applications, and the ability to successfully execute complex cross-border projects," said Jim Mugford, Siemens Canada vice president, Oil and Gas. "TransCanada benefits by receiving an innovative solution that offers better reliability, with higher efficiencies and lower risks, and at the same time, Siemens is pleased to be given the opportunity to be able to support TransCanada in delivering reliable supplies of energy across the North American continent."

The Keystone expansion recently achieved a significant milestone receiving regulatory approval for the Canadian portion of the project. This expansion will be the first pipeline to directly connect a growing and reliable supply of Canadian crude oil to the largest refining market in North America. Shippers have committed crude oil that amounts to 75 percent of the expansion capacity for an average term of 17 years, reflecting the value the project has to the overall market.

Siemens will supply pumps and electrical equipment for 38 pumping stations, which includes 104 pumps and motors, as well as variable-frequency drives, E-houses with medium- and low-voltage switchgear, and unit control systems for each pumping station. Furthermore, Siemens will be responsible for system integration of the components and will also deliver four high-voltage substations.

"Siemens brings to this project a long history of quality performance and project execution. Combining this with our modular and integrated electrical system approach will allow us to help make the Keystone expansion a success for TransCanada," said Daniel Duncan, vice president and general manager of Siemens Energy, Inc.'s Oil and Gas Division. "We are very pleased that TransCanada has entrusted us with this project and we look forward to the opportunity to support this key infrastructure improvement project in the U.S. market."

The Siemens' pipeline portfolio encompasses compressors with electric or gas turbine drives, transformers, substations, breakers, and automation, communications and safety equipment. These solutions contribute toward meeting customer requirements, including pipeline operational reliability, safety and efficiency.

Siemens has solutions for onshore and offshore applications involving the extraction, separation, gathering and treatment of crude oil and natural gas, enhanced oil recovery and leading-edge technology for post-separation treatment.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


AEI Closes Financing and Initiates Construction of a 300 MW Power Plant in Guatemala

AEI announced recently that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC, closed long-term financing for the construction of a new 300 MW solid fuel-fired power plant located near Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala. The $350 million facility is a 10-year construction and term loan formed by a syndicate of regional and international banks led by Banca de Inversion Bancolombia Corporación Financiera, S.A. (BI Bancolombia) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).

The power plant, which will be built by China Machine New Energy Corp. (CMNC) pursuant to a “turn-key” EPC contract, consists of two solid fuel fired circulated fluidized bed boilers using advanced technology designed to comply with the Equator Principles and International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards and Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines. Jaguar Energy is contracted to sell 200 MW of its power to Gas Natural’s local Guatemalan electricity distribution companies through 15-year PPA’s entered into in 2008 with the remainder expected to be sold in the local Guatemalan and regional wholesale power markets. Notice to commence under the EPC contract was issued on March 29, 2010, and commercial operation is anticipated in 2013.

“This energy infrastructure investment underpins AEI’s continued commitment to Guatemala and the Central American region and is indicative of the company’s confidence in the electricity sector’s legal and regulatory frameworks”, said Jim Hughes, AEI’s CEO.

“The project’s financing has been a successful joint effort between AEI and the lead arrangers; the result is a facility with sound fundamentals that demonstrates the financial market potential for well structured development projects”, said Mr. Rodrigo Velasquez Uribe and Mr. Nick Rischbieth respective CEO’s from BI Bancolombia and CABEI, in a joint statement.

“On completion, Jaguar Energy will provide Guatemala with reliable and affordable energy, which will contribute to improving the overall economic environment and investment conditions for Guatemala”, added Roberto Figueroa, AEI’s Executive Vice President for Central America and the Caribbean.

Source: AEI


AES Solar Energy Closes Project Financing for 43 MW Photovoltaic Project in Italy

AES Solar Energy Ltd, a joint venture between The AES Corporation and Riverstone Holdings LLC, announced that one of its subsidiaries closed on long-term project financing facilities of €173 million to finance the construction of the Cellino San Marco (CSM) project, a 43 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) facility located in the Puglia region of Italy. CSM is the largest solar PV project in Italy to reach financial close.

A total of five banks participated in this financing: Société Générale (as Documentation, Technical & Modeling Bank and Hedging Coordinator), Unicredit Mediocredito Centrale (as Documentation Bank), BNP Paribas (as Insurance Bank), Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and Dexia Crediop (as Agent). SACE is taking this opportunity to step up its involvement in financing solar PV projects, participating via providing a guarantee for a portion of Société Générale’s commitment. The facilities cover approximately 85% of estimated project costs at completion and the final maturity date is 18 years post construction.

Massimiliano Battisti, a Managing Director at Société Générale, one of the coordinating banks in this transaction remarked, “While the Italian regulatory environment makes solar PV a highly attractive investment, its dynamics make innovative financing solutions necessary. This poses a significant barrier to entry for less sophisticated investors. In this environment we believe that it is very important to have partners like AES Solar who are among the most experienced sponsors in this sector, as they have both the industry and the financial expertise as well as the ability to understand the subtleties of the local market to enable them to successfully deliver the project.”

Construction on the project is underway and the project is expected to reach commercial operation by the end of 2010, qualifying it for a 20-year regulated feed-in tariff under the “Conto Energia” scheme. CSM will use First Solar thin film panels.

The addition of the 43 MW CSM will more than double the global operating portfolio of AES Solar, which currently includes 38 MW across France, Greece and Spain.

Source: AES Solar Energy Ltd


New REC Peak Energy Solar Module Delivers More Power Per Square Meter

Fourth generation module, the first commercial product from one of the world`s largest integrated solar manufacturing facilities, provides more power per square meter with efficient cell and glass design and an average increase of nine watts per module.

The REC Peak Energy Module is the first commercial product to be produced at REC’s new manufacturing facility in Singapore. This site is one of the most integrated and automated in the industry, allowing REC to increase solar cell and module volumes four fold. “The REC Peak Energy Module is a solid investment for customers in the commercial, residential, and utility segments, helping REC to become a leading module producer”, said John Andersen, Jr., executive vice president REC Solar and Group COO. With the successful start-up of the plant and this product launch, REC has combined a commitment to quality, part of the company’s Norwegian heritage, with Singapore’s high-quality manufacturing capability.

The REC Peak Energy Module delivers more power per square meter due to several design improvements. Introduction of three bus bars and improved contact between the cell and metal fingers, improves electrical flow, producing an average power gain of nine watts. The unique glass etching process completed in house, utilizes Sunarc technology to increase energy production by 2%.

The modules are easy to install with made-to-fit cables and multiple grounding points that reduce the ground wire needed in installation. Easy to lift and handle, the modules have a robust and durable design, supporting a large mechanical load (5400 pascal). “Delivering more power per square meter, with the REC Peak Energy Series we continue to innovate, producing high-performance modules with a focus on quality and efficiency”, said Åsmund Fodstad, vice president, sales and marketing, REC. The REC Peak Energy Module is available worldwide for purchase now.

Source: REC


Wind Turbine Guideline Advisory Committee Recommendations

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently transmitted a set of final recommendations on how to minimize the impacts of land-based wind farms on wildlife and its habitat to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.

These recommendations represent the consensus of the 22 diverse members of the Wind Turbine Guidelines Federal Advisory Committee and were reached during a more than two-year process.

Secretary Salazar plans to review the recommendations and take them under advisement as he directs the Service to develop guidelines for evaluating wind energy development on public and private lands.

The document contains both policy recommendations and recommended voluntary guidelines for siting and operating wind energy projects in order to avoid or minimize potential impacts to wildlife and habitat. After the Interior Secretary’s review, the Service will use the Committee’s recommendations to develop and publish its revised guidelines in the Federal Register and open them for public comment.

Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Hilti Acquires U.S.-Based Solar Company Unirac

Hilti Group is extending its North American presence in the fastest growing and highest potential solar market in the world with the purchase of Unirac Inc., a U.S.-based leading provider of photovoltaic (PV) solar mounting solutions.

The combination of Hilti and Unirac broadens both companies’ product portfolio and enhances their current market reach and service to provide unique opportunities for customers as they develop their solar sites. While Hilti gains significant share in the PV mounting business in North America, Unirac extends its reach through Hilti’s global presence.

“As we strengthen our position in a challenging economy, we are investing in new business opportunities like solar where there is significant growth potential,” said Bo Risberg, Hilti Group CEO. “Our companies are an ideal fit because together we can offer a full range of solutions for customers who serve the residential, commercial and utility markets.”

Coupled with Unirac’s established manufacturing and supply chain infrastructure, solar engineering expertise and strong channel partners, Hilti further secures its position as a leading player and preferred partner for PV mounting solutions for solar applications in all market segments.

Unirac will continue to be based in Albuquerque, N.M., and operate under its existing name and management structure led by President and CEO Doug May.

“Unirac has been highly successful in providing the PV mounting market with industry-leading technology and a range of product solutions and services,” Doug said. “We are extremely excited about applying Hilti’s broad base of expertise in serving the professional contractor market around the world to accelerate the tremendous growth opportunities in the North American and global solar markets.”

Hilti is purchasing Unirac from the Global Environment Fund (GEF), a U.S.-based private equity firm investing growth capital in companies throughout the world.

“Since our purchase of Unirac in 2006, the company has grown its revenues profitably at an annual growth rate of approximately 55 percent,” said GEF Managing Director Lisa Schule. “Unirac’s success is a testament to the quality of the company’s management team and a validation of GEF’s strategy of investing in companies with practical and proven clean energy solutions.”

Source: Hilti


Unirac, Announces Manufacturing Capability in Ontario

Unirac, Inc., North America’s leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) mounting solutions, announced recently they are currently manufacturing products in Ontario which meet all Ontario Power Authority local-content requirements.

Locally manufactured residential and light commercial racking products are available now, with commercial and utility racking products also available and shipping since late April. This significant milestone demonstrates Unirac’s commitment to the Canadian market. It also signifies a direct response to Ontario’s pioneering FIT and MicroFIT programs, which offer attractive renewable energy compensation rates for solar installation customers.

“Canada is a growing market for solar energy due to the country’s proactive FIT and MicroFIT programs. We applaud Ontario Power Authority’s support of solar energy and programs that allow homeowners and business owners the opportunity to make a sound financial investment that is also environmentally responsible,” said Doug May, president and CEO of Unirac. “By manufacturing our mounting solutions locally, we adhere to the programs’ local content requirements, contribute to local economic growth, and provide Canadian customers access to our innovative line of products that are the building blocks for superior solar installations.”

Unirac is a recognized leader in the PV mounting market with industry-leading technology and a breadth of product solutions and services designed to meet the needs of any type of solar installation. Initial product offerings in Canada will include Unirac’s SolarMount, ISYS Ground Mount, and ISYS Roof Mount systems.

Source: Unirac, Inc.


Ontario Becoming North American Green Energy Leader

Soon, even more Ontario homes and businesses will be powered by green energy.

The province has just delivered the largest green energy initiative of its kind in Canadian history. Under the Green Energy Act’s feed-in tariff program, 184 new contracts for big, green energy projects have been approved. This is in addition to 510 medium-sized projects already announced. The contracts could generate more than 2500 MW – enough electricity to power 600 000 homes.

As well, the domestic content requirements in these projects will mean thousands of new jobs in the growing green energy sector and about $9 billion in private sector investment.

The Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, made the announcement in Cornwall, located in Eastern Ontario – a region where 60 green energy projects with a potential generating capacity of 900 MW have been approved. This includes three 10-MW ground-mounted solar projects in the Cornwall area.
Ontario’s Green Energy Act is part of the government’s Open Ontario Plan. It provides a stable price for clean energy producers so they will invest here and create up to 50 000 Ontario jobs.

“Ontario has a vision for green energy – we will be a North American leader. We have practical, aggressive policies to secure green energy generation, research and manufacturing, which will create good jobs in a growing industry,” said the Premier.

Source: Government of Ontario


KBR Acquires Energo Engineering

KBR recently announced that it has acquired Houston-based Energo Engineering. Energo provides Integrity Management (IM) and advanced structural engineering services to the offshore oil and gas industry. Energo will be integrated into KBR’s Granherne subsidiary, which will enable that business to expand its capabilities worldwide as well as support FEED and detailed design projects.

Energo’s advanced structural engineering capabilities include services such as specialty hurricane, earthquake, ultimate strength and blast analysis and design. Energo’s offshore industry work provides these services to most of the major offshore oil and gas operators as well as many of the independent U.S. operators. Some key regions of the world where Energo has ongoing projects include the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. West Coast, Trinidad, West Africa, Russia (Sakhalin Area) and Western Australia.

KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government services, minerals, civil infrastructure, power and industrial markets.

Source: KBR


Maxwell Systems Offers RSMeans Construction Cost Data

Maxwell Systems, Inc. recently announced that RSMeans Databases are now available with Maxwell Systems ProContractorMX.

Maxwell Systems has partnered with RSMeans, part of Reed Construction Data and North America’s leading source of construction cost information, to offer a variety of trade databases to use with Maxwell Systems ProContractorMX. These databases, which are updated quarterly, provide construction cost information for material, equipment, labor, and assemblies for work including commercial, residential, and construction specialties, covering everything from sitework to mechanical items.

Maxwell Systems ProContractorMX is a comprehensive, all-in-one solution that includes key capabilities for takeoff; estimating; bids and proposals; management of projects, procurement, financials, employees, payroll, and equipment; and intelligent dashboards and critical reports for timely analysis of projects or the overall business. It is ideal for concrete, masonry, sitework, excavation, paving, drywall, and roofing contractors.

Source: Maxwell Systems, Inc.


NCCER Develops Rigger and Signal Person Certification Programs

The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) announces the development of a three-tiered Rigger Certification Program and a Signal Person Certification Program. 

The programs are designed to meet or exceed current and proposed standards and regulations that require certification for rigging and signaling personnel. Both programs are being designed for ANSI accreditation and follow ASME B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Crane and ASME B30.3 Construction Tower Crane, as well as ANSI/ASSE A10.42-2000 standards.

The Rigger Certification Program will consist of three levels of certification, Basic Rigger, Intermediate Rigger, and Advanced Rigger. Each level will be evaluated byf a written assessment and a practical exam, which both must be completed successfully for certification. The Basic Rigger Certification covers communications, basic crane operations, hoisting and rigging equipment, rigging practices, and safety. The Intermediate Rigger Certification builds on these skills and adds load lifting criteria to the skill set. The Advanced Rigger Certification covers both the Basic and Intermediate Rigger skills, as well as personnel lifting and lift planning.

The Signal Person Certification Program will test on hand signals and voice communications along with basic crane operations and limitations. These skills will be evaluated by a written assessment and a practical examination, both must be completed in order to obtain certification.

NCCER is a not-for-profit education foundation recognized by the industry as the training, assessment, certification, and career development standard for the construction and maintenance craft professional.

Source: National Center for Construction Education and Research


Dana & Bosch Rexroth Partners on Off-Highway Transmissions

Dana Holding Corporation and Bosch Rexroth AG announced recently that they expect to form a 50-50 joint venture to co-develop and manufacture advanced drive transmissions for the off-highway market.

A memorandum of understanding to this effect was signed by the two companies.

The planned joint venture company, which is expected to operate in Arco, Italy, will engineer, manufacture, and market hydro-mechanical variable powersplit transmission systems (HVT) for the global off-highway markets. The advanced transmission systems will be focused on meeting customer needs for improved fuel economy, productivity, emissions, and maneuverability. Dana and Bosch Rexroth will contribute staff, intellectual property, and capital to the new joint venture company.

The planned joint venture will benefit from Dana’s expertise in off-highway transmission engineering and manufacturing, and Bosch Rexroth’s deep experience in hydraulics and systems.

Source: Dana Holding Corporation
Bosch Rexroth AG


Eaton Wins Contract to Upgrade Hartwell Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant

Diversified industrial manufacturer Eaton Corporation recently announced that it will supply more than $2,5 million in electrical products and services to upgrade the Hartwell Dam hydroelectric power plant. Eaton obtained the contract through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Savannah, Georgia, office. Eaton will design and engineer control and distribution systems, and install motor control centers, low-voltage switchboards and arc resistant low-voltage switchgear. Work is scheduled to be completed by October 30, 2010.

This contract is one of several recent agreements that Eaton has reached with government organizations, including $8 million in electrical products and services for the San Antonio Military Medical Center on the Fort Sam Houston Army base in Texas and supplying hybrid electric power systems for fuel-efficient shuttle buses purchased by the U.S. General Services Administration for use on U.S. military bases.

Hartwell Dam was built by the USACE between 1955 and 1962 to improve flood control, generate hydroelectric power and promote navigation along the Savannah River. According to the USACE, the facility produces 468 million kw/h of electricity annually, has prevented more than $40 million in flood damage since its completion, and provides a wide range of recreational, wildlife preservation, and water quality and supply benefits to Hart County, Georgia, and Anderson County, South Carolina.

Source: Eaton Corporation


Simio Awards Grant to McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management

Simio, a developer of 3D object-oriented simulation software, has awarded a $29 700 grant to Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. The NSERC CREATE Program, which will benefit from this grant, is structured to drastically improve the collective capacity of the six partner universities in Canada for training doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, who would become significant contributors to healthcare research, practice and policy making.

McGill University is now one of over 120 universities worldwide to join Simio’s academic program, which offers Simio’s 3D modeling software to schools at no charge. Simio Academic Edition is a fully capable software with no model size limits and includes discrete and continuous modeling, object library development, and 3D animation.

Source: Simio LLC


Aecon joins the construction joint venture extending Quebec's Autoroute 30

Aecon Group Inc. recently announced that its Infrastructure Division has partnered with Acciona Infrastructures Canada Inc., Dragados Canada Inc., and Verreault Inc. in Nouvelle Autoroute 30 CJV, s.e.n.c. (NA30 CJV), the construction joint venture carrying out the expansion of Quebec's Autoroute 30.

The Autoroute 30 project is being delivered as a Public Private Partnership. The PPP agreement between the ministère des Transports du Québec and Nouvelle Autoroute 30, s.e.n.c. (NA30) for the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and repair of the Autoroute 30 completion for a period of 35 years was signed in September 2008. NA30 has given the design and construction mandate to NA30 CJV.

Under the construction joint venture agreement, Aecon holds a 16% interest in the construction joint venture that is building a 42 km western section of the A30 in PPP mode. The project involves construction of the four-lane highway for a 35 km stretch between Châteauguay and Vaudreuil-Dorion, with an additional 7 km section connecting the highway to Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.
The project also includes erecting two major bridge crossings - a 2,5 km bridge over the Beauharnois Canal, and a 1,8 km bridge over the St. Lawrence River - as well as a 90 m tunnel beneath the Soulanges Canal. Construction of the highway has commenced and is scheduled for completion in 2012.

Aecon and its founding companies have been involved in building Quebec's infrastructure for 100 years, including work on the St. Lawrence Seaway, Mirabel Airport, Dorval International Airport (now called Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport), CPR Windsor Station, Place Ville Marie, Expo '67 transit system, Décarie Expressway, and Palais des Congrès amongst many others.

"Our company was founded in Quebec and has a long successful history of working on landmark projects throughout the province," said Teri McKibbon, CEO of Aecon's Infrastructure Group. "We are extremely pleased to be part of this world-renowned project team and are thrilled to be working on such a large and high impact infrastructure project."

Source: Aecon Group Inc.

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