Dresser Waukesha Introduces the 16V275GL+


Dresser Waukesha has introduced a new, more powerful version of its 16-cylinder 275GL Series engine. The new 16V275GL+ high-performance engine for gas compression applications has both class-leading power and low emissions levels.

The new engine is designed to help owners and operators improve productivity and reduce their fuel costs while meeting the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for NOx, CO and VOC emissions which are effective July 1, 2010. The 16V275GL+ is capable of 0.5 g/bhp-hr NOx, 1.8 g/bhp-hr CO and 0.7 g/bhp-hr VOCs which meets the EPA’s 2010 Spark-Ignited New Source Performance Standard (SI NSPS) requirements of 1.0 g/bhp-hr NOx, 2.0 g/bhp-hr CO and 0.7 g/bhp-hr VOCs. With its low NOx capability, the 16V275GL+ also meets the current 0.5 g/bhp-hr NOx requirement for non-attainment areas.

Because the 16V275GL+ engine meets each of these requirements directly out of the exhaust stack, it does not require the added cost and complexity of an emissions aftertreatment system.

The changing emissions landscape has added another dimension to an engine purchase decision, said Lloyd Beauchamp, vice president, sales – gas compression, Dresser Waukesha. In addition to the usual considerations of efficiency, fuel flexibility, maintenance and total lifecycle costs, the cost of emissions compliance, both today and in the future, must be factored into the engine selection process.

“We’re looking ahead and developing products that will meet future emissions requirements and offer customers the peace of mind that they are selecting the engine with the best overall value for their investment,” Beauchamp said. “We call that ‘future-proofing’ the engine investment.”

The plus (“+”) symbol in the 16V275GL+ name refers to a series of improvements that give this engine competitive advantages. Although a reduction in NOx emissions was a primary objective in the design of the engine, the process also yielded reduced levels of CO, and VOC levels that remain within the forthcoming EPA regulations. At the same time, the new engine maintains a 2% fuel efficiency advantage over competitive units. That means the unit burns less gas, thereby making more available for sale. In addition, the 16V275GL+ offers fuel flexibility so it will operate dependably at full power even as fuel content varies. Rated at 4835 hp at 1000 rpm, the 16V275GL+ engine now delivers the most power in its class, maximizing gas throughput and customer profits.

Like other 275GL Series engines, the new 16V275GL+ is equipped with an enhanced version of Dresser Waukesha’s ESM® engine control system to optimize engine performance and maximize uptime. The engine is designed to simplify and improve packaging, operation and service.

The 16V275GL+ model is available for order now; the 12-cylinder (12V275GL+) model will be available in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Source: Dresser Waukesha


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