Nouvelles brèves

Deux leaders de l’industrie unissent leur expertise et leur savoir-faire
Le président de Cegertec, Jeannot Harvey, de même que le président fondateur de WorleyParsons Limited, John Grill, snnonçaient récemment l’union de leurs entreprises pour former Cegertec WorleyParsons. Cette transaction revêt un caractère inédit. Cegertec, une entreprise familiale québécoise et filiale du Groupe Ceger, s’associe à un important joueur de classe mondiale dans le cadre d’un modèle d’affaires où le partenariat repose sur une participation d’égal à égal.

Cegertec allie son expertise et sa présence sur la scène provinciale au réseau international et à l’expérience en projets majeurs de WorleyParsons.

La nouvelle coentreprise entend ainsi se positionner comme acteur de premier plan pour la réalisation de grands projets sur le territoire québécois, notamment dans le cadre du Plan Nord, et dans les secteurs qui font sa renommée : énergie, industrie (mines et métaux), transports, infrastructures et bâtiment. Également, avec la synergie du nouveau partenaire, la coentreprise deviendra un pôle d’excellence au Québec dans le secteur des mines et métaux, particulièrement dans l’aluminium.

D’un point de vue international, Cegertec mettra à profit le talent et le savoir-faire de ses équipes avec celles de WorleyParsons dans le cadre de projets majeurs à l’international, notamment en Afrique francophone.

Afin d’assurer la continuité des opérations et de soutenir l’atteinte des objectifs de croissance de la coentreprise, les nouveaux partenaires ont nommé Stéphane Leduc, actuel vice-président et directeur général de Cegertec à titre de président de Cegertec WorleyParsons.

Les nouvelles opportunités d’affaires consolideront et créeront de nouveaux emplois au Québec. La coentreprise Cegertec WorleyParsons emploie actuellement 525 individus hautement qualifiés répartis dans neuf bureaux au Québec. Cegertec marque donc une étape importante de son histoire.

«Pour poursuivre sa croissance, Cegertec devait aller de l’avant avec de nouveaux mandats d’envergure et pour ce faire, nous devions grandir. Nous avons choisi de le faire avec WorleyParsons, un partenaire de renommée mondiale tout désigné pour nous appuyer dans nos prochaines réussites. Je suis particulièrement fier que nous ayons réussi à séduire cette firme avec notre profil entrepreneurial québécois et que nos dirigeants actuels continuent d’en assumer la destinée. Pour nos employés, comme pour nos clients, cette union ouvre la voie à des perspectives nouvelles et des défis emballants», a indiqué monsieur Harvey, ing. MBA.

«Je suis heureux de la décision de Cegertec d’investir avec WorleyParsons. Nous conjuguons aujourd’hui le talent exceptionnel de nos équipes, un atout majeur qui favorisera encore davantage l’essor de notre entreprise. Nous sommes déjà bien établis au Canada et le partenariat avec cette firme québécoise reconnue et bien implantée nous permettra de tirer profit des synergies majeures existantes, particulièrement dans le secteur des mines et métaux», a affirmé monsieur Grill en commentant les raisons qui ont motivé cette alliance.

Le partenariat entre ces deux leaders reflète une volonté commune de répondre aux exigences et aux besoins d’un marché en pleine croissance et de se démarquer à une échelle encore plus importante.

Source: Cegertec WorleyParsons


Dessau fait une acquisition au Chili dans le secteur minier
Dessau inc., l’une des plus importantes firmes d’ingénierie-construction au Canada, poursuit sa croissance en Amérique latine en faisant l’acquisition de MG Ingenieros S.A., une société d’ingénierie spécialisée dans le secteur minier, établie à Santiago au Chili.

«En faisant l’acquisition de MG Ingenieros, Dessau renforce sa présence au Chili et se dote d’une nouvelle expertise en ingénierie des procédés miniers, souligne Jean-Pierre Sauriol, président et chef de la direction de Dessau. Cette acquisition nous permet de bonifier notre offre de services pour nos clients au Chili et de bénéficier du savoir-faire d’une équipe reconnue dans un secteur en pleine expansion.»

Selon Marcelo Gianetti, directeur général de MG Ingenieros : «En se joignant à une grande entreprise comme Dessau, nous assurons la pérennité de l’entreprise, en plus de permettre à nos clients de profiter d’une offre globale de services d’ingénierie.»

Présente en Amérique latine depuis plus de 15 ans, Dessau a réalisé une première acquisition au Chili en 2004. Dessau s’est également implantée en Colombie en 2011 grâce à l’acquisition de la firme d’ingénierie CEI de Bogota. Comptant maintenant plus de 800 employés en Amérique latine, Dessau investit dans les ressources humaines locales qualifiées pour réaliser des projets d’envergure et répondre aux besoins en infrastructures.

Source: Dessau inc.


exp remporte le Prix Visionnaire pour le développement d’un procédé d’oxydation
exp a été déclarée lauréate du prestigieux Prix Visionnaire dans le cadre de l’édition 2012 des Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois tenus récemment. Ce prix est décerné à un projet comportant une valeur particulière en termes d’innovation, d’audace ou de proactivité.

Cette distinction a été remise à exp pour un projet que son équipe du Québec a réalisé en collaboration avec Uniboard® pour son usine située à Moncure, en Caroline du Nord, aux États-Unis. Dans le cadre de ce projet, exp et Uniboard ont mis au point un procédé d’oxydation permettant la captation et la destruction du formaldéhyde et du méthanol émis dans les gaz de procédé. Cette nouvelle technologie permet de répondre aux exigences de la réglementation MACT édictée par la EPA aux États-Unis, soit la réduction de 90% des émissions de formaldéhyde ou de méthanol à la source.

«La technologie créée pour ce projet constitue une innovation importante», explique Marc Tremblay, vice-président exécutif, Est du Canada d’exp. «En plus d’être compacte, économique et non polluante, cette technologie permet la destruction des composés polluants dans les émissions des gaz industriels par oxydation chimique plutôt que thermique et ne génère pas de gaz à effet de serre supplémentaires comme le font les incinérateurs.»

Créés en 2003 par l’Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec, les Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois visent à promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en matière de réalisation de projets. Les critères d’évaluation comprennent le mode d’intervention de l’ingénieur-conseil, la gestion des ressources humaines, les particularités du projet, l’impact sur la profession et l’intégration des principes de développement durable. Pour tous les détails sur le concours et les projets en nomination, consultez le

Source: exp


La coentreprise TSH/TBE sera connue sous le nom T2 Utility Engineers
Cardno et AECOM ont formé une nouvelle entreprise de propriété commune au Canada sous le nom T2 Utility Engineers, Inc. Cette nouvelle entreprise officialise la participation actuelle de longue date des ingénieurs de services publics souterrains TSH/TBE et consolide l’engagement d’offrir des services d’ingénierie dans ce domaine sur le marché canadien.

La nouvelle appellation, T2 Utility Engineers, se fonde sur la réputation du nom de l’organisme précédent et conserve donc le «T» des deux entités constitutives pour le nouveau nom. Un nouveau logo et un site Internet ( ont été créés.

«Nous avons été ravis de voir cette entreprise évoluer au cours des 10 dernières années, et c’est maintenant le moment idéal pour entrer dans cette nouvelle phase», a indiqué Doug Allingham, vice-président administratif, AECOM Canada Central.  «Les opérations de l’association TSH/TBE nous ont permis de dominer avec succès l’industrie canadienne étant donné l’utilisation croissante de services d’ingénierie dans le secteur des services d’utilité publique souterrains», a indiqué Nick Zembillas, premier vice-président, Gestion mondiale - Services publics de Cardno.

T2 Utility Engineers offre une variété de services dans le domaine de l’ingénierie des services d’utilité publique souterrains, dont la cartographie, la coordination et la conception des services publics pour des clients provenant des sphères publiques et privées partout au Canada. Elle participe activement aux travaux de principaux groupes industriels dont l’Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance, le Conseil canadien des normes, le Centre for the Advancement of Trenchless Technologies et l’Association des transports du Canada.

Source: T2 Utility Engineers, Inc.


Northland Power octroie à Aecon un contrat de construction de six installations solaires en Ontario
Northland Power Inc. et Groupe Aecon inc. annonçaient récemment que Miwel Construction Limited, filiale en propriété exclusive d’Aecon, a obtenu un contrat visant la construction de six installations de production d’énergie solaire photovoltaïque de 10 MW en Ontario.

Chacune de ces installations sera construite sur des terrains d’une superficie de quelque 34,4 ha et comprendra plus de 40 000 panneaux solaires photovoltaïques installés sur des structures fixes. Ces panneaux solaires produiront de l’électricité en courant continu, tirée de l’énergie solaire, qui sera convertie en courant alternatif et, ensuite, transformée et incorporée au réseau de distribution de Hydro One. L’électricité produite par ces installations, qui seront construites par de la main-d’œuvre ontarienne avec de l’équipement fabriqué en Ontario, sera vendue en vertu du Programme ontarien de tarifs de rachat garantis (TRG) pour les énergies renouvelables.

Les installations sont situées près de Smiths Falls et de Belleville, dans l’est de l’Ontario, ainsi qu’à Burk’s Falls, près de Huntsville. Les travaux, qui devraient se terminer en 2013, ont commencé sur tous les sites.

Northland a conclu, dans le cadre du programme TRG, des contrats d’installations solaires de plus de 130 MW, qui seront construites entre 2012 et 2014. Aecon, qui a de l’expérience dans les installations de production d’énergie solaire, aussi bien sur toitures qu’au sol, a déjà construit le parc solaire du lac Lily de Peterborough Utilities, de 10 MW, ainsi que des installations sur toitures pour des magasins IKEA, Home Depot et Canadian Tire.

Les actifs d’exploitation de Northland Power sont pour la plupart situés en Ontario, au Québec et en Saskatchewan. La société, active depuis 1987, détient des droits nets de participation dans la production de 1005 MW d’électricité.

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat d’IAC d’AltaLink
SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’à la suite d’un appel d’offres ouvert, elle s’est vu octroyer par AltaLink L.P. un contrat d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) pour une partie des projets d’infrastructures de transport d’électricité à venir en Alberta.

Avant l’obtention de ce contrat, SNC-Lavalin fournissait à AltaLink des services d’IAC en vertu d’une entente-cadre de services, qui venait à échéance le 2 mai 2012. En mai 2011, AltaLink L.P. a lancé un appel d’offres ouvert pour octroyer un nouveau contrat et SNC-Lavalin s’est vu octroyer une partie de ce nouveau contrat après avoir remporté le processus. Un tiers commissaire à l’équité a supervisé le processus et a établi que celui-ci était équitable pour tous les participants.

Il s’agit d’un contrat d’IAC pour des lignes de transport d’électricité et des postes électriques sur une période de cinq ans, en fonction de l’évaluation des besoins du projet et de l’obtention des permis requis.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


Expo Grands Travaux pulvérise les précédents records d’affluence
Les producteurs d’Expo Grands Travaux sont très heureux d’annoncer que l’édition 2012 s’est avérée un succès retentissant! En effet, 15 632 acheteurs potentiels ont foulé le parquet du Stade olympique de Montréal, et n’ont pas été déçus.

Un peu plus de 350 exposants ont envahi les espaces d’exposition réservés à guichets fermés (y compris la galerie adjacente dite des « Grandes Hauteurs »). Les visiteurs s’y sont montrés tout à fait disposés à faire des affaires, comme en témoignent les ventes importantes réalisées sur place ainsi que les transactions éventuelles à survenir au cours des prochains mois.

Du reste, le tout nouveau volet consacré à l’entretien hivernal a remporté un vif succès, alors que de nombreux entrepreneurs en déneigement ont pris part au salon, attirés par cette nouvelle facette. La qualité des composantes d’exposition liées à l’entretien hivernal a permis de confirmer le choix de Montréal comme site tout indiqué pour ce type de présentation, et les exposants y ont grandement participé en proposant de nombreux équipements de déneigement. La conférence de la SIMA a également connu un franc succès alors que les participants ont été présents tout au long des séances, souhaitant mieux connaître la SIMA et discuter d’enjeux inspirants en matière d’entretien hivernal. Les organisateurs du salon tiennent à remercier la SIMA pour sa participation, ainsi que le magazine L’Écho du transport qui agissait à titre de commanditaire de ce volet du salon.

Le salon proposait par ailleurs une autre nouveauté, soit l’initiative d’affichage «Nous recrutons». De nombreux visiteurs du salon ont ainsi pu trouver des perspectives d’emploi puisque bon nombre d’entreprises en pleine croissance sont actuellement à la recherche de main-d’œuvre. Voilà qui est sûrement de bon augure pour l’industrie des grands travaux et de l’équipement lourd au Québec.

Expo Grands Travaux se réjouit d’avoir pu compter sur le soutien de l’Association des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ), de l’Association des propriétaires de machinerie lourde du Québec (APMLQ) et de l’aile québécoise de l’Association canadienne de distributeurs d’équipement (ACDE). Les organisateurs tiennent également à témoigner leur reconnaissance aux associations sectorielles ayant participé à la promotion de cette initiative.

Enfin, nous remercions tous nos exposants de haut calibre pour leur participation, et nous souhaitons retrouver bon nombre d’entre eux dans le cadre du Salon national de l’équipement lourd qui se tiendra à Toronto, en 2013. La prochaine édition d’Expo Grands Travaux aura lieu en 2015.

Source: Master Promotions

Industry News

Two Industry Leaders combine their expertise and know-how - Cegertec opts for WorleyParsons
Cegertec president Jeannot Harvey and WorleyParsons CEO John Grill are proud to announce that they have finalized an agreement resulting in the formation of new Joint Venture Company to be named Cegertec WorleyParsons. This transaction breaks new ground. Cegertec, a Québec family business and part of the Ceger Group, is joining a global enterprise resulting in the formation of a new entity in which the parties are equal partners.

Cegertec is allying its expertise and presence on the provincial scene with WorleyParsons' international network and experience in major projects. The new joint venture is poised to be a top player in handling large projects in Québec, notably under the Plan Nord, and in their traditional sectors: energy, industry (mines and metals), transportation, infrastructure and buildings. In addition, with a dynamic new partner, this joint venture will create a key capability center in Québec in mining and metals, and particularly in aluminium.

On the international scene, Cegertec teams will put their talent and expertise to work alongside WorleyParsons' teams on major projects internationally, notably in French Africa.

The new partners have appointed current Cegertec vice president and general manager Stéphane Leduc as president of Cegertec WorleyParsons.  Mr. Leduc will focus on operational continuity and the development of Cegertec WorleyParsons future growth plans.

This joint venture will generate new business opportunities that will result in additional employment opportunities in Québec. Cegertec WorleyParsons currently employs 525 highly qualified individuals in nine offices throughout Québec. This is a momentous phase in Cegertec's history.

"To sustain its growth, Cegertec needed to move forward with major new projects. In order to do so, Cegertec needed to grow. We chose to do so with WorleyParsons, a renowned world class partner ideally suited to help us achieve future successes. I am especially proud that we have enticed this firm with our Québec entrepreneurial spirit while maintaining our current management to continue to build our future. This union opens the door to new possibilities and thrilling opportunities and challenges for our employees and clients", said Mr. Harvey, Eng. M.B.A.

"I am very pleased at Cegertec's decision to invest with WorleyParsons. Today, we are pooling our teams' exceptional talents into a major asset that will further catalyze the growth of our company. We are already well established in Canada, this partnership with a well-known and established Québec firm will allow us to draw on major existing synergies, particularly in the mining and metals sector", commented Mr. Grill on the reasons for the creation of the Joint Venture company.

This partnership between two leaders demonstrates a joint commitment to meet the needs and demands of a rapidly growing market and to set a new standard of professional services delivery.

Source: Cegertec WorleyParsons

Dessau Pursues Growth in Latin America - Dessau Acquires Chilean Firm Specializing in the Mining Sector
Dessau Inc., one of Canada's leading engineering-construction firms, is pursuing its expansion in Latin America through the acquisition of MG Ingenieros S.A. This engineering firm specializes in the mining sector and is based in Santiago, Chile.

"Through the acquisition of M.G. Ingenieros, Dessau is not only strengthening its presence in Chile, but we are also broadening our fields of expertise to include mining processes," said Jean-Pierre Sauriol, president and CEO of Dessau. "This acquisition enhances our service offering in Chile as we gain a talented team of professionals with a proven track record in this growing field."

According to Marcelo Gianetti, general manager of MG Ingenieros, "Joining forces with a major firm like Dessau helps us ensure the company's future and offer our clients a more complete range of engineering services."

Dessau has been active in Latin America for more than 15 years and made its first acquisition in Chile in 2004. In 2011, Dessau added an office in Bogota, Colombia, through the acquisition of engineering firm CEI. Today, Dessau employs more than 800 people in the region and invests in the local workforce by hiring qualified local personnel to work on major infrastructure projects.

Source: Dessau inc.


exp Wins Visionary Award for Oxidation Process
exp was honored with the prestigious Visionary Award at the recent 2012 Grand Prix of Quebec Consulting Engineering. The award recognizes the jury’s top project from all submissions that holds particular value in terms of innovation, boldness or proactivity.

The award was presented for the gas treatment project exp‘s Quebec team developed in collaboration with Uniboard® for its plant located in Moncure, North Carolina, USA. As part of the project, exp and Uniboard® produced an oxidation process to destroy volatile organic compounds.

“The innovative technology created for this project is ground breaking,” said Marc Tremblay, executive vice president of exp, Eastern Canada. “In addition to being compact, economic and clean, this technology only uses the energy required to destroy polluting compounds found in industrial gas emissions, and it does so without generating any additional greenhouse gases, as incinerators do.”

Created in 2003 by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Quebec, the Grands Prix of Québec Consulting Engineering seek to promote best practices in project execution. The “Leonards”, symbols of outstanding quality in engineering, are awarded each year to engineering consulting firms and project managers whose projects are examples to be followed in terms of design, execution and sustainable development. The evaluation criteria include the consulting engineer’s intervention mode, his human
resources management, the project’s characteristics, its impact on the profession and the integration of sustainable development principles. For further information, please consult

Source: exp


Cardno and AECOM Formalize TSH/TBE Joint Venture as T2 Utility Engineers Inc.
Cardno and AECOM have formed a new jointly owned entity in Canada called T2 Utility Engineers, Inc. The new firm formalizes the existing long standing TSH/TBE Subsurface Utility Engineers Joint Venture and solidifies the commitment to offering subsurface utility engineering services in the Canadian marketplace.

"T2 Utility Engineers will allow us to enhance service to our valued clients, including streamlining the contractual side of our business and introducing new utility engineering and consultancy services," said Lawrence Arcand, president of the newly formed T2 Utility Engineers and former manager with TSH/TBE. "It will also improve our ability to serve our clients with that small firm feel while still having the global resources, abilities and structure. All services, staff and locations will remain unchanged."

The new name, T2 Utility Engineers, builds on the reputation of the previous organization's name and, therefore takes the "T" from both forming entities for the new name. A new logo and website ( were developed.

"We have been excited to watch this venture grow over the past 10 years, and now is the perfect time to enter this new phase," said Doug Allingham, executive vice president, AECOM Canada Central. "Our TSH/TBE JV operations have been successfully leading the Canadian industry in the growing use of subsurface utility engineering services," said Nick Zembillas, senior vice president, Cardno Global Area Manager-Utility Services. "This important next step will help to ensure our continued success going forward."

The phone number and office locations will remain; however, there is a new official mailing address and contact information for T2 Utility Engineers:

T2 Utility Engineers provides a variety of subsurface utility engineering services, including utility mapping, utility coordination and utility design to public and private clients throughout Canada. It takes an active role in key industry leading groups including the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance, the Canadian Standards Association, the Centre for the Advancement of Trenchless Technologies and Transportation Association of Canada.

Source: T2 Utility Engineers, Inc.


Aecon Contracted by Northland Power to Build Six Ontario Solar Projects
Northland Power Inc. and Aecon Group Inc. announced recently, Aecon's wholly-owned subsidiary, Miwel Construction Limited, has been awarded a contract to construct six 10MW solar photovoltaic (PV) generation projects in Ontario.

Each of the six projects will be constructed on approximately 85 acres of land, and will consist of over 40,000 PV solar modules mounted on fixed structural supports. The solar modules will generate direct current electricity from the sun's energy, which will then be converted into alternating current, and subsequently transformed and injected into the Hydro One distribution system. The projects will sell the electricity under Ontario's renewable energy Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) program, and will use Ontario-made equipment and local Ontario labour.

The projects are located near Smiths Falls and Belleville in Eastern Ontario, and Burk's Falls near Huntsville. Work on the sites has begun, with completion of all six sites expected in 2013.

"Renewable energy sources like solar are essential to ensure a strong, sustainable energy grid," said John Brace, President and CEO of Northland Power. "With a long history of generating clean and green, intelligent energy, Northland's contract with Aecon will further our mission to provide renewable energy to power Ontario homes and businesses."

Northland has received more than 130 MW of FIT contracts for solar projects that will be constructed from 2012 to 2014. With experience in both rooftop and ground mounted solar projects, Aecon has previously constructed Peterborough Utilities' 10MW Lily Lake Solar Park, and rooftop systems on IKEA, Home Depot and Canadian Tire stores.

"Aecon has a long-standing commitment to being a leader in the construction of innovative, renewable and sustainable energy solutions," said Teri McKibbon, Aecon's COO. "We are pleased to be working with Northland Power, and are confident this contract will showcase our abilities in delivering customized solutions for solar projects."

Northland Power develops, owns and operates clean and green power generation projects. Its operating assets are primarily in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. The company has been in business since 1987 and has a net economic interest in 1,005 MW of power generating capacity.

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract to Provide EPC to AltaLink
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that, following an open and competitive process, it has been awarded a contract by AltaLink L.P. to provide engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) for portions of upcoming transmission infrastructure projects in Alberta.

Previous to this award, SNC-Lavalin was providing EPC services to AltaLink under a Master Services Agreement which was to expire on May 2, 2012. In May, 2011, AltaLink L.P. initiated a competitive process for a new contract. SNC-Lavalin was awarded a portion of the new contract following a successful Request For Proposal submission. An independent fairness advisor oversaw the process and reports that it was fair to all participants.

"We are proud to have successfully competed for this new contract," said Patrick Lamarre, executive vice president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., "and we are pleased to have been able to demonstrate value for money through our proposal. This further demonstrates that we have a competitive value proposition for all of our transmission and distribution clients and further strengthens our track record of delivery."

The contract is to deliver EPC for transmission lines and substations over a five-year period based on project need assessments and permitting.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Top Lift Named Link-Belt Earthmoving and Material Handling Dealer
LBX Company, LLC is pleased to announce the appointment of Top Lift Enterprises Inc. as the authorized dealer of Link-Belt Excavators and Material Handling Equipment for the Southwestern Ontario market area.

Top Lift has multiple years of proven sales and service history within heavy construction equipment. Top Lift occupies a new state of the art facility with approximately 1,500 m2 with 8 drive through bays and overhead crane capacity of 90 t. They have a dedicated technical support team and experienced staff, ensuring superior products and service supported by a fleet of fully equipped field trucks.

“We are excited and pleased to have Top Lift as our authorized dealer in this important trade area,” said Jack McKay, Business Development manager, LBX Company. “Top Lift’s excellent reputation for customer support after the sale, along with their extensive personal experience in the construction equipment business, is a winning combination for product owners. We are very enthusiastic and look forward to a strong participating excavator dealer that knows their customers and products well.”

“This is a proud day for us here at Top Lift,” said David Shea, managing director and co-founder of Top Lift. “We are very excited to be offering the Link-Belt product line. These quality machines are fast and built to last. With today’s fuel prices ‘price per operating hour’ is in the forefront of everyone’s mind. The Link-Belt excavator offers the best fuel economy in the business.”

Source: LBX Company LLC


New Terex Compact Equipment Distributor in Northwest Territories
Midnight Sun Energy Ltd now offers the full line of Terex® compact construction equipment to its customers in the Northwest Territories. The Terex compact construction equipment line is made up of more than 45 unique product models including compact track loaders, wheel loaders, excavators, skid steers and loader backhoes.

Midnight Sun Energy Ltd. is a Northwest Territories-owned corporation in its 20th year of business, serving the mining and exploration industry and other sectors. With two Yellowknife locations, it uniquely provides a comprehensive package of sales and service options for its local and international clients.

“There is no substitute for arctic experience,” notes general manager Ivo Mitev.

The company’s management team and skilled, knowledgeable staff are made up of long-term northerners with mining industry expertise and a global vision. “Midnight Sun is a trusted partner, providing technical expertise and customer service excellence when and where our customers need it most,” he adds.

In addition to offering a full line of Terex compact equipment products and services, qualified Midnight Sun Energy customers can take advantage of financing options through Terex Financial Services™.

Source: Terex Corporation


FCM’s Green Municipal Fund Supports Waterfront Toronto’s Pilot Soil Recycling Facility
Roger Anderson, Chair and CEO of the Region of Durham and member of FCM’s National Board of Directors and John Carmichael, member of Parliament for Don Valley West, recently announced a $350,000 Green Municipal Fund™ (GMF) grant in support of Waterfront Toronto’s Pilot Soil Recycling Facility.

The revitalization of Toronto’s waterfront is one of the largest urban brownfield remediation projects in the world. Waterfront renewal depends on the ability to deal with soil that has been impacted by decades of industrial uses, and by infilling long ago when environmental standards were not as stringent as today.

Remediation efforts currently underway across the waterfront are expected to generate significant volumes of impacted soil and rather than simply “digging and dumping” contaminated soils, Waterfront Toronto is working to recycle soil. The goal is to clean and treat soil to an appropriate quality so that it can be used for redevelopment activity instead of importing new soil.

As a first step in its soil recycling plan, Waterfront Toronto established a pilot soil recycling facility in the Port Lands in 2010 to assess the economic and technological viability of recycling contaminated soil. The pilot confirmed the effectiveness and economic feasibility of recycling soil and allowed Waterfront Toronto to seek a private sector operator to finance and operate a long-term soil recycling facility in the Port Lands.

Waterfront Toronto chose Green Soils, an industry leader with over 20 years of experience managing contaminated soil, as the soil recycling facility operator in the Port Lands. Once operational, Green Soils will encourage other communities to make use of the facility and the soil recycling technologies available.

As part of the pilot project, Waterfront Toronto commissioned a study to understand and quantify the environmental, social and health benefits of soil recycling versus conventional disposal. The findings were striking.
The study demonstrated that Waterfront Toronto’s pilot project reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 36 kg/t of soil moved, for an estimated savings of $18.50/t, which is a projected savings of $65 million over the life of the long-term facility. The study also projected that a full-scale soil recycling facility would have significant environmental and economic benefits: associated truck travel would be reduced by about 80%, resulting in reduced road maintenance, fewer traffic accidents and reduced traffic noise; associated greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by about 75%, resulting in reduced societal, environmental and health costs; and recycling soil would reduce the need for landfill capacity and new aggregate.

Source: Waterfront Toronto


City of Guelph Awarded Prize for its Commitment to Water Awareness
The national organizing committee of Canada Water Week awarded the City of Guelph with the Canada Water Week Certificate of Recognition for 2012 at a ceremony at City Hall in Guelph.

“I’m thrilled to accept this award on behalf of the City of Guelph,” said Guelph’s mayor, Karen Farbridge. “As one of the largest cities in Canada to rely solely on groundwater, Guelph has long recognized the need to conserve this precious resource. Canada Water Week was a terrific opportunity for our community to celebrate and promote our water.” 

The Canada Water Week Certificate of Recognition is awarded for outstanding efforts in support of Canada Water Week (this year’s events ran March 19-25). The award recognizes communities that excel at building local energy, support and awareness on water issues. The City of Guelph engaged residents in Canada Water Week by encouraging event development and attendance, in addition to hosting a series of events themselves, resulting in more than 10 local events. 

“At Canada Water Week, we were excited by how involved communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast were in this year’s celebration,” said Tim Morris, Fresh Water Program manager at the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation. “We created the Certificate of Recognition as a way to recognize the incredible work that was being done at the local level. The City of Guelph showed a real commitment to water awareness through its high level of engagement during Canada Water Week. We hope that many more communities are inspired by Guelph’s success and join in Canada Water Week celebrations in 2013.”

Source: Canada Water Week


Pure Technologies Announces Receipt Of Payment And Resumption Of Activities In Libya
Pure Technologies Ltd. announced recently that it is resuming normal activities in Libya following receipt of a $16 million payment from the Man-Made River Authority. The payment constitutes 70% of the value of previous shipments made under a $30 million contract awarded in 2010 for the supply of the Company’s proprietary acoustic monitoring technology. Pure will now resume activities on the project, including shipment of the remaining monitoring equipment worth $10.7 million held since political events which took place in Libya during 2011 resulted in a temporary halt in operations. Payment of remaining outstanding receivables relating to this contract, and a separate technical support contract, are anticipated in due course.

Pure has unique, patented and proprietary inspection and monitoring technologies that are used to ensure the integrity of the Man-Made River (MMR) prestressed pipeline network. From 1999 through 2001, the MMR experienced five ruptures on the network, which was approximately 10 years old at the time. Pure was contacted by what was then the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA) in late 1999 to provide assistance in preventing future failures. Pure undertook a pilot program in 2000 to demonstrate its SoundPrint® acoustic monitoring technology which can detect deterioration in prestressed concrete, thereby allowing proactive repairs to be carried out.
Following the successful execution of the pilot project, Pure was awarded a number of contracts to expand the system and to provide technical support to the GMRA to maintain the system. Since the implementation of the technology-driven management program, no further ruptures had occurred on the network until Pure withdrew its personnel from Libya in February 2011.

Pure recently mobilized a team to assist with the re-commissioning of the monitoring systems on this important pipeline that is the main water supply for Libya’s cities.

Source: Pure Technologies Ltd.


Carmanah Awarded Contract for FIT Rooftop PV Solution
Carmanah Technologies Corporation is once again working with PowerStream Inc. to provide and install a 300 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system for a community center in Markham, Ontario. The $1.3 million project has a target completion date for July 2012.

PowerStream’s solar division, a leading PV developer in Ontario, has completed several installations through the Ontario Power Authority’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program. In 2011, PowerStream selected Carmanah as the Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) provider for a 350 kW rooftop photovoltaic generating system at the Markham’s Thornhill Community Centre. Recently, Carmanah was awarded a second PowerStream solar PV project at the Mount Joy Community Centre in Markham. The facility presented a number of design challenges including multiple roofs with varied slopes, an irregularly corrugated metal surface and limited reserve structural capacity for the PV system.

Milan Bolkovic, executive vice president, Renewable Generation and Conservation at PowerStream says “Our Renewable Generation business continues to work with successful companies involved with the FIT program. Carmanah’s leading industry experience positioned them well to support us in developing this exciting project in Markham.”

Leveraging their experience in custom rooftop systems and partnerships with sophisticated technology providers, Carmanah’s engineering team collaborated with Schletter Canada Inc. to propose an innovative design for the building’s requirements. Carmanah and Schletter adapted a standard racking product that would minimize the necessity for physically anchoring the solar generating array, allowing for the bulk of the system to be ballasted. The system also features Heliene PV modules, selected again for their high performance and successful installation on last year’s Thornhill project. The installation will include commercial inverters locally manufactured in Ontario by Advanced Energy. A remote monitoring system will report real-time solar generation of clean, carbon-free power which will offset the CO2 equivalent of 38,000 l of gasoline annually.

Source: Carmanah Technologies Corporation


Canada Hot Wind Market for GE
GE advanced technology wind turbines have been selected to power nine new wind projects in the province of Ontario, Canada, adding approximately 650 MW of clean energy to the province’s electricity grid. When the projects are fully built out by 2015, GE wind turbines will be delivering approximately 1,200 MW of wind energy in Ontario, which is enough to power 320,000 homes.

“Ontario is a very hot wind market for GE right now,” says Simon Olivier, general manager sales, Renewable Energy for GE Canada. “The Green Energy Act has created a very positive investment environment and helped fuel the growth of GE and renewable energy in Canada. For GE it’s a remarkable story. In seven years we have grown from our first 100 MW Erie Shores Wind farm project to supplying over a thousand megawatts of clean energy to residents and businesses across Ontario by 2015.”

To date GE has announced more than $150 million of investments in Ontario, creating three global centers of excellence: Peterborough Motors; Grid IQ Innovation Centre in Markham; and Pathology Innovation Centre of Excellence in Toronto. GE also is working with a number of Ontario-based businesses that are providing products and services supporting wind farm projects and stimulating new local job creation in multiple regions of Ontario.

The province of Ontario continues to lead Canada in installed wind energy capacity, accounting for about one-third of the nation’s wind energy development, according to the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA). Overall, Canada has increased its wind power capacity nearly tenfold in the last six years, as provincial governments seek ways to meet rising energy demand, reduce environmental impact of electricity generation and stimulate rural and industrial economic development. CanWEA expects that wind energy’s rapid growth in Canada will continue, with production tripling over the next five years.

GE’s wind turbine technology is qualified under ecomagination, the company’s commitment to address challenges such as the need for cleaner, more efficient sources of energy, reduced emissions and abundant sources of clean water. In 2009, GE Canada signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ontario government to undertake long term investments including investments in research and development and advanced manufacturing in order to enhance economic development in the province.

Source: GE Power & Water


Burlington Condo to Cool Residents this Summer with “Green” Geothermal System
Ameresco Canada, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ameresco, Inc., recently announced it completed construction on a 260 t geothermal system in Burlington Ontario. It is expected that the geothermal system will save around 453,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year.

“This geothermal system will bring the concept of living green and bring environmentally-conscience to Strata’s residents and tenants. The system will reduce the building’s heating and cooling energy consumption by 33% (7800 GJ/yr) compared to a traditional natural gas system. Ameresco Canada is proud to work in partnership with Molinaro Group to design and implement a green technology that will have a positive effect on a large number of residents,” said Mario Iusi, Ameresco Canada president.

The developers of the 21-storey, 186-unit, 25,750 m2 Strata Condominiums, Molinaro Group, are striving towards achieving LEED® Certification through its green and environmentally-sustainable measures, including the geothermal system.

“Ameresco Canada was able to understand the construction and lifestyle goals that we wanted to achieve within the Strata Condominiums and were able to implement a system that works to provide adequate heating and cooling all year long through a renewable energy source. The construction of a geothermal system reduces the need to use fossil fuels and helps provide protection from fluctuating energy prices,” said Vince Molinaro, Molinaro Group president.

Ameresco Canada signed an energy supply agreement with Molinaro Group in September 2009 to provide the geothermal system. Ameresco Canada is responsible for the monitoring and maintenance of the geothermal system under a long-term energy agreement.

Source: Ameresco Canada


Expo Grands Travaux Smashes Previous Attendance Record
The producers of Expo Grands Travaux are ecstatic to announce that the 2012 edition was a resounding success! 15,632 buyers walked the floors of Olympic Stadium in Montreal and they were not left disappointed.

A little over 350 exhibitors encompassed the sold-out Olympic Stadium, including the Great Heights. Visitors were in the mood to do business and it was demonstrated by major sales activity on the floor and plenty of solid leads to follow up on in the months ahead. 

The all-new Winter Management component was a huge hit, as many snow contractors came to the show to check out this inaugural feature. The quality of snow-related exhibits reinforced the fact that Montreal was the perfect venue for this type of showcase and exhibitors brought out the snow removal equipment in force. The SIMA conference was well attended and attendees stayed for entire sessions, eager to learn what SIMA represented and to further discuss the thought provoking winter management topics.

Source: Master Promotions

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