Launch of the Romaine Hydroelectric Complex


On May 3rd, 2009, officials launched construction on the hydroelectric complex on the Romaine in Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec.
The project has the support of local communities, and partnership agreements have been signed with the Minganie Regional County Municipality and four Innu communities in the reservoir area. A joint federal-provincial review panel approved construction of the project after a rigorous and transparent environmental assessment process.

The 1550 MW La Romaine hydroelectric complex will be situated on Rivière Romaine north of Havre-Saint-Pierre, in the Côte-Nord region. Construction of the four reservoir-powered plants and a permanent 150 km long road will cost an estimated $6,5 billion. Average annual production at the complex is anticipated to be 8 TWh, enough to power more than 450 000 households.

Construction of the La Romaine complex will generate substantial economic spinoffs. Contracts and the purchase of related goods and services should generate $3,5 billion for Québec as a whole and $1,3 billion in the Côte-Nord region alone. Total employment on the site will average nearly 1000 workers per year. At the height of construction between 2012 and 2016, some 2000 workers will be on the site.

The La Romaine complex has undergone an extensive environmental impact study of the physical, biological, and human aspects of the project. Various attenuation and compensatory measures will be implemented to minimize the project’s environmental footprint and enable local residents to continue their pursuits in the area. The project will also be subject to a massive environmental monitoring program until 2040. The cost of studies, attenuation measures, and environmental monitoring is estimated at over $200 million.

Source: Hydro-Québec


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