


Le président-directeur général d’ADM Aéroports de Montréal, Yves Beauchamp, annonçait récemment la nomination d’Emmanuel Cron, à titre de vice-président Technologies et innovation.

Cumulant 30 ans d’expérience professionnelle, monsieur Cron a combiné diverses fonctions et responsabilités dans les domaines de l’ingénierie, des opérations et des technologies de l’information au sein des secteurs industriel et manufacturier. Il a mené l’essentiel de sa carrière chez Sidel, une multinationale basée notamment à Laval, au Québec, où il agissait depuis 2020 à titre de vice-président Stratégie et développement des affaires pour les Amériques. Entre 2013 et 2019, il a occupé les fonctions de vice-président Systèmes d’information.

Au cours de sa carrière, Yves Beauchamp a contribué à la réalisation de transformations numériques significatives et dirigé de nombreux projets transversaux pour lesquels les technologies de l’information étaient le point central. Son expertise de pointe fait de lui la personne toute désignée pour accompagner ADM et ses équipes dans le déploiement d’outils permettant notamment d’accélérer l’automatisation du parcours des passagers, d’assurer la protection et la sécurité des infrastructures technologiques ainsi que des systèmes d’information des sites aéroportuaires.

Monsieur Cron est diplômé en ingénierie de l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires de Nancy, en France.

Source: ADM Aéroports de Montréal



Alors que Waste Robotics continue d’étendre son empreinte mondiale, elle ouvrait récemment un bureau près de Boston, Massassuchetts. Le nouveau bureau reflète l’engagement de l’entreprise de Trois-Rivières, au Québec, à être présent sur les marchés clés, et à assurer la proximité et la disponibilité de ses partenaires et clients. Luis Martins rejoint l’équipe de Waste Robotics en tant que vice-président des ventes et du marketing, apportant avec lui une richesse d’expertise et une vaste expérience dans le domaine de la gestion des déchets.

Ingénieur mécanique de formation, sa carrière a été marquée par sa capacité exceptionnelle à concevoir des usines de traitement clés en main pour les leaders du recyclage couvrant divers segments de l’industrie, y compris la construction et la démolition (C&D), les métaux, les déchets solides municipaux (MSW), le flux unique, les déchets commerciaux et les déchets à brûler.

Source: Waste Robotics Inc.



Tando Composites annonçait récemment qu’Aaron Sims a été nommé directeur régional des ventes - Sud-Est, couvrant le Maryland jusqu’à la Floride. Avec une expérience impressionnante dans la direction des ventes et le développement des affaires dans l’industrie des produits de construction, monsieur Sims sera le fer de lance de la croissance du marché de Tando et de la visibilité de la marque dans tout le sud-est.

Ayant l’habitude de conquérir des parts de marché pour les nouveaux produits innovants, il a constamment propulsé la croissance de la marque dans de nouvelles catégories à travers les États-Unis et le Canada. Aaron Sims a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la promotion de la marque AZEK® à ses débuts et a fait de même avec la marque TruExterior® lorsqu’elle a été lancée dans le cadre de Boral.

Source: Tando Composites



SAKAI America, Inc. annonçait récemment des changements dans son équipe des ventes et du marketing. TJ Hopkins rejoint l’organisation en tant que directeur régional des ventes pour le nord-est des États-Unis et le Canada, de l’Ontario vers l’est.
Dans ce rôle, il soutiendra les concessionnaires SAKAI en recommandant des inventaires de rouleaux neufs, en apportant son expertise sur les produits lors des démonstrations aux clients et en formant le personnel de vente sur les équipements de compactage de l’asphalte et du sol.

Avant de rejoindre SAKAI, monsieur Hopkins était directeur de territoire chez 2 concessionnaires d’équipement situés en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Son expérience au niveau des concessionnaires et sa connaissance de la région le placent en position de fournir stratégiquement et géographiquement ce que les concessionnaires SAKAI attendent d’un fabricant d’équipement d’origine.

«Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir T.J. à bord», déclarait Brad Belvin, directeur des ventes et du marketing. «Le fait d’avoir quelqu’un avec une expérience de concessionnaire chez le fabricant est idéal pour mieux comprendre comment soutenir correctement nos partenaires dans leur mission d’être le fournisseur d’équipement de compactage le plus sophistiqué et le plus fiable qui soit.»

Source: SAKAI America, Inc.




Brokk, a manufacturer of remote-controlled demolition machines, recently announced the appointment of Dan Quam as parts manager for the company’s Monroe, Washington, parts warehouse. His responsibilities include managing the parts department and overseeing, receiving and purchasing spare parts for both Brokk and Aquajet products in North America.

Mr. Quam will work with the Brokk team, including warehouse manager Noah Acree and assistant warehouse manager Brodie Kohn, to help ensure Brokk delivers on its promise of same-day shipping on all common parts.

Before joining Brokk, Dan Quam worked for Mi Fluid Power Solutions, a hydraulic/pneumatic parts distributor, for more than 32 years. He worked his way up from the warehouse and learned all aspects of the business from customer service and purchasing to branch management. His most recent position was in outside sales. In this role, he regularly worked with Brokk, developing a longstanding relationship with the team and a deep knowledge of the Brokk and Aquajet brands. All in all, his 3 decades of experience will help him provide Brokk and Aquajet customers specialized product knowledge and industry expertise to get the parts they need on the job.

The parts warehouse stocks an array of standard and specialty parts for all Brokk models as well as parts and accessories for Aquajet hydrodemolition robots. It works in conjunction with Brokk’s service centers in St. Joseph, Missouri, and Stanhope, New Jersey, to provide fast, reliable support for customers across North America. In most cases, they can significantly reduce downtime for customers in the field and reduce shipping costs.

Source: Brokk Inc.

Cargotec’s board of directors has appointed Sami Niiranen as Cargotec’s new president of Kalmar as of May 2024 at the latest, until which Cargotec’s current president and CEO Casimir Lindholm will hold his interim position as Kalmar president. Sami Niiranen will also become a member of the Cargotec Leadership team.

As part of the planned separation of Kalmar by partial demerger, announced on April, 27 2023, if the demerger is pursued, Sami Niiranen shall also be proposed as the president and CEO of the proposed standalone Kalmar.
Sami Niiranen has over 20 years of experience in international business leadership. Most recently at Epiroc, leading the Underground division. Prior to that, for more than 10 years, he has held several leadership positions at Atlas Copco.

To support the listing readiness preparations, the Board decided in August to establish a new Demerger Committee to oversee the preparations for listing readiness and corporate governance matters for the potential standalone Kalmar. The Board has now decided that Jaakko Eskola will act as the chair of the Demerger Committee which will consist of Jaakko Eskola, Teresa Kemppi-Vasama and Tapio Kolunsarka going forward. Planning of the partial demerger will continue and the potential separate listing of Kalmar on Nasdaq Helsinki would, if carried out, take place in 2024.

Source: Cargotec



DSC Dredge recently announced the appointment of Rondi Carlos-Volpi as the new director of Human Resources. With over 25 years of experience in Human Resources, including 17 years in engineering-related roles and 3 years in the construction-related industry, she brings a wealth of expertise and a strong track record of success to her new role.

Ms. Carlos-Volpi graduated from the University of New Orleans with a bachelor’s degree in business management, specializing in HR Management, in 1998. She is deeply passionate about HR and holds a strong belief in creating a positive workplace culture that promotes core values such as innovation, teamwork, and employee development.

As DSC continues to evolve and expand, Rondi Carlos-Volpi’s expertise and leadership will play a pivotal role in the company’s journey towards achieving its goals and strengthening its workforce.

Source: DSC Dredge



Petro-Victory Energy Corp., recently announced the appointment of Christopher Ray, a former partner at Natural Gas Partners (NGP) Energy Capital Management, to its Advisory Board.

With a distinguished career, he brings a wealth of expertise in energy investments, strategic portfolio management, and legal counsel. His extensive experience as a partner at NGP Energy Capital Management from 2003 to 2018 included serving on the firm’s Executive Committee and Investment Committee, also as General Counsel until 2015, and reflects his business acumen and deep understanding of the complexities of the energy industry.

At NGP Energy Capital Management, Christopher Ray’s leadership spanned various aspects of the firm’s business, including new investment opportunities, negotiations, portfolio management, and compliance.

“We are thrilled to welcome Christopher Ray to the Advisory Board,” said Petro-Victory Energy Corp. CEO Richard F. Gonzalez. “Christopher’s expertise and strategic acumen will be instrumental as we continue our mission to create long-term value for our shareholders and energy security in the Brazil region through disciplined investments and proven industry innovations.”

Christopher Ray’s commitment to community service and personal investments aligns seamlessly with Petro-Victory Energy Corp.’s values. As Christopher Ray embarks on this new role, Petro-Victory Energy Corp. anticipates leveraging his strategic insights to enhance shareholder value and drive sustained growth.

Source: Petro-Victory Energy Corp.



Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association (OSSGA) recently announced the appointment of Michael McSweeney as its new executive director folowing the departure of Norm Cheesman, who held the positionfor almost 8 years. This departure is effective immediately.

OSSGA wants to thank Mr. Cheesman for his work over the time he served our Association as he stewarded the Association during the unprecedented times we all faced as a result of COVID and with changes in government.

“Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association finds itself at a crucial moment in time as all three levels of government are committed to the largest infrastructure investment and spend that our Province has ever seen. With this investment our industry must broaden and deepen its relationship with our key decision makers, influencers and enablers as we work to persuade them of the fundamental importance that aggregates play in the building of our communities and the above and below infrastructure required to support that development,” said OSSGA board of directors chair Rob Pierce, from RW Tomlinson Ltd.

“This is a tremendous opportunity and I am honored and privileged to work with OSSGA’s members, our allies/stakeholders, and all level of governments to fully develop the understanding of how crucial it is to have a ready source of sand, gravel, and crushed stone close to the markets for Ontario’s aggregate industry is fundamental to Ontario’s competitiveness,” said Michael McSweeney.

Mr. McSweeney has worked in the private and public sector for over 35 years. He just completed a year-long project as Ontario Road Builders Association (ORBA) CEO where he successfully worked with the board to refocus its efforts to better compete in a time of unprecedented infrastructure investment in Ontario. Prior to that assignment he was president and CEO of the Cement Association of Canada (CAC) for 12 years.

Source: Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association (OSSGA)

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