The Port of Montreal Gets Government Support for Its Contrecoeur Expansion Project


The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) welcomes the $150 million allocated to the container terminal project in Contrecoeur through the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) announced recently by Canada’s Transport Minister, Pablo Rodriguez. This strategic investment is a giant step towards improving the fluidity of Canada’s supply chain.

In 2021, the Port of Montreal’s expansion of its activities at Contrecoeur received a favourable Decision Statement from Canada’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, allowing the project to proceed.

“This financial backing from the federal government sends a strong message about our large Contrecoeur expansion project and the future of the logistics ecosystem in the St. Lawrence corridor. It lets us embark on the next steps with confidence, so that we can continue to play our vital role as a sustainable economic driver at the heart of the Quebec and Canadian economies,” said Geneviève Deschamps, Interim president and CEO of the MPA.

This financial support will enable the MPA to implement a new delivery model for the major expansion project on Montreal’s South Shore..

  • Marine works will be entirely carried out by the MPA. The MPA will act as prime contractor for this phase, which includes dock construction and dredging work.
  • Land site works and operations will be carried out with a private partner. The MPA will issue a Request for Proposals in early 2024 to select a private partner to build the terminal (container yard, buildings, facilities and rail connection).

As a result, the DBFOM procurement process launched in November 2021, which included both the terminal’s construction work (marine and land site) and its operation, has been cancelled to make way for this new method to successfully carry out the project that is better suited to today’s reality.

Source: Montreal Port Authority

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